My 2022 Word of The Year is Exploration

Sonia Ashok
Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2022

Why Removing Expectation Makes This Goal More Attainable Than Others

Photo by Nong V on Unsplash

When I picked joy as my word of the year for 2021, it was explicitly because I didn’t want to choose a cliché and unattainable goal. I didn’t want to lose 10 pounds or learn a new instrument.

I had grand visions of focusing on the positive, overflowing with optimism. I saw myself smiling, seeing the bright side. I was going to be one of those people just radiating happiness. (Side note: Ha!)

There was a singular outcome, a specific feeling, an end point meant to guide me. A prize was waiting for me, and I was desperate to finally feel that shower of glitter and confetti. I was ready to accomplish joy.

In November, I sat in my sister’s guest bed after coming back from the ER with a kidney stone. When I vomited, I tried not to expose the giant patch of (stress? autoimmune? hormonal?) baldness on the back of my head (some shreds of vanity had clung to me more closely than my hair did). I was barely holding myself together after immense grief and turmoil and exhaustion of the past year. I had no strength left.

It was then that I officially threw joy out the window.

I was done trying to force an emotion. I didn’t want to hope for something — anything — to happen this year. I couldn’t bear another disappointment.

I definitely wasn’t (ever) going back to creating a list of resolutions.

I did, however, choose a new word of the year.


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Exploration is a journey without a destination. It’s childlike curiosity and an unlimited array of possibilities. Freedom to follow any path.

With exploration, you can’t set yourself up for failure because there is no expected outcome.

*Cue audible sigh of relief.*

While there are many opinions about goal-setting, some being much more prescriptive around specificity and quantifiability, I prefer flexibility.

(Probably why I am publishing this article closer to the end of January than the beginning. When’s the cutoff on the “new year,” anyway?)

Still, I allowed some parameters in my intention. I wanted to give myself a direction to begin my exploration.

A map, but with multiple routes. A compass. A magnifying glass.

In the spirit of the year 2022, I created a list of 22 things that I wanted to explore. They include six categories that feel directed to my overall purpose: Nourish, Blossom, Connection, Impact, Journey, and Home.


  1. Explore physical movement that feels good.

2. Explore how to embrace healthy aging (and turning 40!).

3. Explore healing my heart.

4. Explore resting and rejuvenating my mind and body.


5. Explore more cuisines and recipes and styles of cooking.

6. Explore reading books of different genres.

7. Explore forgiveness.

8. Explore new hobbies and intentionally using my free time.

9. Explore redefining my own beauty standards and finding my aligned style.


10. Explore strengthening my existing relationships.

11. Explore building community.

12. Explore new friendships.

13. Explore spending quality time with family, and growing my own.


14. Explore leadership and mentorship opportunities.

15. Explore bringing my values and vision for a more diverse, representative, and compassionate leadership to a broader audience.

16. Explore growing my income and responsibly managing my investments.


17. Explore more of San Jose, the Bay Area, California, and the world.

18. Explore new restaurants, from food trucks to Michelin stars.

19. Explore my writing practice, including media, platforms, topics.


20. Explore reducing my environmental impact.

21. Explore letting go of (and not buying more) stuff.

22. Explore creating a more zen environment to live, work, and play.

Writing this list feels freeing. It feels like anything could happen as a result of these steps.

But the beauty of it is that nothing at all could happen and it would still be ok because each step is an adventure and an opportunity.

Did you create a 2022 word or intention for the year? What are you taking from this list that you’ll make your own?



Sonia Ashok
Motivate the Mind

Physician-turned-leadership coach. Health advocate. I write through the joys and defeats of life, love, and purpose. Founder @connectivecoalition (IG).