Moony Thinker
Motivate the Mind
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2022


Neon florescent white color words spelling out COFFEE upon a metal blue sheet ; all held up against a large, thick wood beam for some kind of reasturant
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

My vice is — coffee.

For anyone who has read my bio, it is clear that I have a strong addiction to coffee. However, if you are unfamiliar, here is the piece I am highlighting:

“…drinking a healthy 32 cups of coffee per day!”

While not every day I hit the 32 cup mark, it is frequent enough that it can be held as a truth. In my home, I drink so much coffee that I go through one to two coffee tins — per week.

My addiction to coffee started at age three with the first cup. From there, it has trended upwards on the amount I consume per day for now over thirty years. While age three is pretty extreme and my mother did protest, she later relented after I nearly started a fire attempting to microwave my first cup which still had a spoon in it.

Though, sure, coffee is not culturally considered as dangerous of addiction as other indulgences, like alcohol or cocaine, my level of high consumption can lead to some very serious side effects. Based on Healthline’s article, nine serious side effects can be caused by consuming too much caffeine; with two of the worse being high blood pressure and muscle breakdown leading to kidney failure. (Spritzer, 2017).

Being that this is so well documented and known, some may ponder if I mix up my coffee with decaffeinated coffee. Great idea, but — no; it is all caffeinated for this jittery thinker.

While decaf is a great suggestion, I can not see myself incorporating decaffeinated coffee into my routine. Mostly this reasoning comes from my experiences with what happens when I reduce my coffee or stop entirely. During these infrequent periods, my physical experience has played out with me being incapable of thinking or existing normally due to intense migraines.

Taking this truth into consideration, it can then be reasoned that during a Zombie Apocalypse I will die not by the mouths chomping zombies but because my brain completely ceases to operate due to a lack of coffee intake on the second day.

Although, sure, I am trashing my coffee addiction a little hard; there have been some lovely benefits I have gained through having this “…last legal high,” as Raven’s Brew Coffee’s slogan suggests. (Brew, n.d.).

Coffee is more than just something I consume at extremely unhealthy levels. More accurately, coffee is part of my identity. It is my ambrosia. It is my fuel that picks me up and helps me connect with my Muses.

Whenever I am sitting down to read, write, or venture outside for a creative walk-think, in my hand or nearby there is a cup or thermos filled with coffee. It is like the cigarette for Pollock or the drink nearby for Bukowski.

Now that I have demystified my bio’s strong affection for coffee, I am curious: what is your go-to source for your creative energy? It is important to note, this does not need to be a consumable substance. I have one friend who can not creatively concentrate while sitting and must go ice skating to engage with her Muses.

Also, are you a tea drinker who could never imagine replacing it with coffee? How much do you regularly drink? And, do you prefer it warm, hot, cool, or cold?

Just before you skitter off, I would like to raise my presently hot cup of coffee in your honor. Cheers, mate!

Be well, my friends.
— MT

— Note Of Importance —

While it is fun to say I drink this much coffee and to share that I can not function without this drink, it is important to realize that this is my weakness and addiction. More importantly, I am not trying to glorify addiction of any kind. If you do find you are struggling with an addiction or others have shared that your addiction is troubling, seriously consider professional advice. Meet with an addictions counselor for guidance and perspective. Remember, you only get one body; so treat it with some respect.

For those needing help but having a hard time finding it, please check out: This can be a great start for many.

— Humor —

If you are a coffee drinker, can you associate yourself with one of these? 4 Types of Coffee Drinkers:

— Sources —

Tyson, J. T. (2018, May 29). White coffee led signage [Photograph]. Unsplash.

Spritzler, F. (2017, August 14). 9 Side Effects of Too Much Caffeine. Healthline.

Brew, R. B. (n.d.). 12oz Breakfast Blend Coffee. Raven’s Brew Coffee®.

SAMHSA’s National Helpline. (2022, January 12). SAMHSA.

4 Types of Coffee Drinkers. (2022, January 4). YouTube.



Moony Thinker
Motivate the Mind

Writing something, somewhere, lost in some thought, figuring things out, and purposefully flaky. I don't do conformity or expectations; so keep them low.