Periods and Commas — The #1 Secret to Save Yourself from Shame

Lavanya Naram
Motivate the Mind
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2023

I had been always criticized for — making it long and tiring which in turn made it complicated to read and understand. Honestly, that used to hurt, but to be honest it was true, not just partially but mostly!

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

They used to complain that it was like a roller-coaster ride. With a lot of twists and turns and many circling backs.

That’s how it used to be. Luckily, I learned the trick now.

And I write it simple and keep it simple. In a way, it’s easy to read and understand. The trick is pretty simple. Use more periods than commas.

That’s it!

It will turn your writing simple and decent, at the same time. I could see the magic. No more shameful remarks to re-iterate and no more requests for clarifications.

Don’t you believe? Try this then.

Instead of saying it like I said before. How will it be? If I said it this way:

I had been always criticized. They said I made it long and tiring. Which makes it complicated. Not just to understand, even to read. Honestly, that used to hurt a lot. But I had to admit it in the end. It was true. Not just partially but mostly!

That’s the secret which will save you from embarrassment and shame.

In this World with ever diminishing attention span, that’s how you will win their hearts!

Do you agree?



Lavanya Naram
Motivate the Mind

Quality Consultant. Pharma CSV. Discovered self as Writer & Storyteller. (Ask me-I’ll tell the story) Topics: Job Skills/Motivation/ Leadership/Management/Life.