Secret Hack To Defeat Your Inner Demons

Ruchi Nirmal
Motivate the Mind
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2022

It worked for me and I never looked back since…


I read this hack in a book called The Magic Of Thinking Big- that there are two people working inside us. Let’s call them- Mr. Smarty Pants And Mr. Shitty.

They happen to be inside all of us. When we wake up, they get on to their work of directing us.

Mr. Smarty Pants says- Get up. Today is your day. Appreciate what you have in life and be grateful. Eat healthy food. Get to work, be disciplined and enjoy your dreams coming true.

Mr. Shitty says- Sleeping for a few hours will not hurt anyone. You shouldn’t work and everything should be given to you on a silver platter. People are selfish and greedy but we are not like them. Let’s enjoy life and relax.

Now between the two, a person can focus only on one voice- that’s where your CHOICE comes in.

No one says it’s easy. It isn’t.

Our brain is designed to run from pain to pleasure.

But if you are dedicated and determined towards your goals & you want to give yourself the best life you deserve, you’ll have to choose Mr. Smarty Pants.

It’s a choice you have to make every day.

Eventually, Mr. Shitty will become silent and remain non-existent.

And Mr. Smarty Pants is gonna grow stronger and invincible one day.

So the ultimate fact is- Mr. Shitty is the coordinator of all the demons inside you.

You wanna kill your inner demons?

FIRE Mr. Shitty from the job!!


Pura Vida!




Ruchi Nirmal
Motivate the Mind

Diagonally parked in the parallel universe. Optimist. Reader. Goal Digger. Follow me on twitter @ruchinirmal33