Simily: What is it All About

There is Just Two Things You Need to Know

C. L. Beard
Motivate the Mind
4 min readFeb 8, 2022


Photo by Art Lasovsky on Unsplash

Simily is the new blogging platform on the street. It directly competes with Medium for writers and viewers. It is a new blogging platform that helps writers and creatives who write earn money from their output, their writing. This is good in that there are not enough places where writers can submit their work. And on top of that, there are a few large players that dominate the marketplace for online writing and blogging. More is good but is Simily better.

The Payout

You may have seen this graphic before.

Image courtesy Simily website.

Simily does indeed payout better than Medium. This is good. I have been frustrated with the payouts I have been getting lately on Medium. This isn’t bad. Also, Simily pays for external views something that Medium does not do. My best-performing articles on here such as my articles on Rust Programming or my series on The American Chestnut tree had largely external views. I had very few internal views by comparison. So if most of your writing does indeed get views and reads external to Medium this may be a solution.

Also since they pay through Paypal then users from around the world can easily monetize their content on the site.

It is New

It is in the beta stage so there will be some bugs with the platform performance. That should be expected with software that is not in version 1.0 yet. So have patience with the platform at this early stage. Some writers on Medium and elsewhere have bemoaned the fact it is a little buggy but that is expected. My experience as a software developer tells me when a product is put into beta release users always find bugs in the software faster than the entire software testing team could find those same bugs.

Looking down upon a pair of white shoes. At the tips of the shoes is a smiley face painted on the concrete surface.
Photo by Jacqueline Munguía on Unsplash

Most readers do not know about Simily yet because it is so new. So it is a chance to start from ground zero with this blogging platform. I think it is kinda fun to start something new. That is in general why I stuck mostly with startup companies during my software development career. If you like the novelty of starting on a new platform then this may be a place for you to monetize your content. It is a chance to stand out from the crowd.

What Does Simily Accept

Their stated goal is to be a place for fiction writing, but looking around the site so far I see all kinds of writing on the website. If you are like me and struggle with deciding which of your stories to put on Medium a place like Simily to hold just your fiction work is good.

You could also repurpose your posts on Medium. Those posts that gain a large number of external posts would be good candidates for re-posting on Simily. If you do this follow these steps.

  • copy from Medium and paste into Simily
  • change the canonical link on Medium
  • to change the canonical link go to your article
  • go to the Story Settings
  • scroll to the bottom and find Advanced Settings
  • click the box for “This story was originally published elsewhere”
  • then paste the link from your Simily article

Changing the canonical link means that search engines will index the article on Simily first and your story on Medium will fall lower in searches. This will help Google to find your Simily article.

I hope this helps you grow your audience on Simily or Medium or elsewhere. The website is hard to find so look for

Thank you

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C. L. Beard
Motivate the Mind

I am a writer living on the Salish Sea. I also publish my own AI newsletter, come check it out.