Some common bad habits that could be big problem !

mansi. s
Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2021
Photo source | Greatist

Everyone made some negative behavior, everyone knows there bad habits and tries to get rid from them.

But do you know we all are engaged with some actual bad habits which we doesn’t pays attention , this are some common bad habits which may lead to big problems.

1. Negative self-talking .

Self talk is influenced by your subconscious mind and it reveals your thoughts. We speak around 50,000 words in a day to ourselves. however it’s talking to ourselves gives direction to our mind so its very important to pay attention on we are not negative self talking.

Studies recorded that self talk influence our performance also it causes to problems like anxiety fear and doubt, use self talk as a good power and give yourself a good direction.

2. Too much screen time

In the present World we all are surrounded by many gadget television, phone, computer, laptop which makes our work so easy. but the habit of using it too much is not so good it can cause us.

Too much use of us things effects physical and mentally both. It effects your eyes, u can have back pain, neck problems also it leads to obesity. Some mental issues depression, anxiety, sleep problems also are effects of too much screen time . Studies shows always being busy with screens reduces person’s ability to read emotions.

3. Eating late at night

Eating late at night or just before bed can lead many chemical changes in the body our metabolism slows down it can cause to weight gain you can also experience indigestion, it disturbs our biological clock and may have broken sleep. If you are hungry after dinner choose food with less calories.

4. Double checking

Double checking is more than a bad habit. To check something for second time to ensure that is accurate or safe is obvious but when it become a habit it could be problem for yourself, people around you also for your relations.

Repeat checking is cause to loose confidence in your memory even reduces accuracy. Some people are suffering from disease called (OCD) obsessive compulsive disorder.

5. Drinking less water

Up to 60 % of our body is taken by water. It’s very important to pay attention on our hydration. Failing to drink enough water can cause dehydration symptoms including fatiuge, head ache , weakness and dry skin also you may face digestive problem and have risk of disease such as kidney stones.

Drinking water is so much important than we think. Drink a glass of water right now and stay hydrated.

6. Gossiping

Some people start gossiping about others as soon as they leave. Involving in such conversations talk or rumors about the personal lives of other people is a very bad habit.

The most biggest cause of this is wastage of time. Gossiping can hurt someone’s feelings people become depresse because of this false information . It can break your relations.

7. Multitasking

People think multitasking is a thing which is important in now days but several studies showed multitasking is a productivity killer.

While doing many work together our Focus divides it leads to happen mistake our mind can’t concentrate on millions of work at a time . Even if we did multitask the we compromise the quality of work .

8. Biting your finger nails.

Many people bite their nail. Some times they even realize. It becomes habit but this habit is bad.

When you’re putting your fingers in your mouth multiple times a day, it increases your chances of getting sick. When you bite your nails creats an easy way for germs to get in. Nail biting can be a sign of emotional or mental stress.



mansi. s
Motivate the Mind

I'm a student who loves to do research and provide information by writing ❤