‘Some day’ and ‘the right day’ aren’t on your calendar. Here’s why…

Tisha Hammond
Motivate the Mind
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2023

This writing stems from a lesson and conversation that I led at a Christian Businesswomen Leading Bible Study activity. Your feedback is welcome.

Someday is not a day of the week. January is something like an annual Genesis. This makes today a fitting time to be SAVED — literally, to Start And Very Enthusiastically Deliver.

Deliver what? We are not the USPS, but we are global couriers. We deliver good news. That good news is from where I was led to share these words — jump on into this living water. Please read from the Holy Bible, the book of Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18. Then turn to Proverbs chapter 10:22 and one more, read the Bible physician Luke chapter 19 verse 13 that says put this money to work until I come back — sounds to me like we are the stewards over what He’s entrusted to us. Whatchu think?

I’ve come to tell you the reason we serve…why we offer products and services that solve someone else’s problem so that God can reach others through our hands. My encouragement to you is to seek Christ for your daily business decisions and enjoy him as you work.

Take the season to plant and grow and become aware of the opportunities that lead to your harvest. Use your workspace like a garden and cultivate good ground that will yield/produce good fruit.

It takes discernment, that is good judgment plus the ability to recognize your circumstances through spiritual eyes and to seek what is in His best interest in that situation.

Discernment may be the difference between a business that is P.O.O.R. and a life full of RICHness.

P.O.O.R. meaning ‘Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly.’ I cannot take credit for creating this brilliant phrase. If you know of the original creator of P.O.O.R., please share the name in the comments. In fact, just go ahead and clap for them too. I first learned about having a P.O.O.R. mindset in 2015 and have been celebrating the redefinition of RICH ever since.

Alright, so let’s add a pin here. I said ‘RICH’ with the understanding that currency isn’t always green…and you can quote me on that.

After touring the U.S. and speaking about entrepreneurship and having learned to reject the P.O.O.R. mindset, in late 2015, I began to ask audiences how we should redefine ‘rich.’ Good ‘ol Detroit came through and together, at a Women of Color STEM Conference, while I was speaking on a panel about Financial Technology (FinTech) and Entrepreneurship, a memorable and enthusiastic crowd and I came up with the new and improved definition where RICH means:





Now ain’t that somethin’?

In 2015, I updated my company’s Core Value to state:

Demonstrate RICHness daily.

In 2022, I updated the definition of ‘H’ to read ‘Hungry for Christ’ because being specific when setting a personal or company vision and goals is optimal. Is there really ever a perfect or right time to do a thing. I cannot be certain. What I am confident about, though, is that if you don’t make haste, you make excuses.

With that, I’ll share my words for the year/for life: Trust and trustworthy. Do you believe that God/Elohim has given you a business to be a good steward of? If He can trust you to be faithful with little, He can entrust you with much.

I’m interested in your word of the year. If you are still discerning yours, prayerfully consider “media” and putting your confidence in your business on Front Street.

Be blessed.

Be encouraged. And above all, be about our Father’s business.

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Daily Encouragement for Entrepreneurs: Remember that stars shine when its darkest. You’ve got this.

Write the vision. Make it plain.
The ‘Manifest Your Media Presence’ sheet is an excellent tool for you to create goals and align timelines that will elevate your brand presence. Find yours at AscentMediaPro.net

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Successful people do what unsuccessful people refuse to. That’s why Ascent Media Production (AMP) Network offers creative products, influential media promotion services, and relationships that help you show up out front and in the news.

P.S. I know that you want to make the kind of money that folds and not jiggles, so please read my article below about making the almighty P.E.S.O.

You heard it from me first ~ ‘Currency isn’t always green.’ ~ Tisha Hammond

Ask me what that means when we connect for a virtual coffee at



Tisha Hammond, The Small Business Cheerleader

President and Editor-in-Chief, AscentMediaPro.net



Tisha Hammond
Motivate the Mind

Storytelling with a pen and keyboard since 2015. Getting the media to mention you at AscentMediaPro.net