Staying Safe As a Woman in 2022: Resources and Tips

Anna Berger
Motivate the Mind
Published in
7 min readJan 26, 2022

If you have experienced situations where you’ve felt uncomfortable, unsafe, or have been in situations where harassment is present, I understand how you feel. Not feeling safe or having a bad gut feeling can be awful. This post will discuss tips and resources that exist to help alleviate some of that worry so we don’t have to feel like we need to live in fear.

It’s hard to walk out the door without thinking and preparing for something to go wrong. It’s disheartening to know all women have felt uncomfortable or unsafe around a man at some point in their life. The things that women buy to protect themselves shouldn’t have to be necessary to just simply walk around alone. However, having some form of security/safety could come in handy when we least expect it or need it.

Instances of Feeling Unsafe

Some of the instances in which I’ve felt uncomfortable or unsafe include:

  • Walking around outside alone and getting followed
  • Getting stared at on public transportation
  • Any physical touch that was unwanted and unwarranted
  • Getting catcalled
  • Getting followed in parking garages
  • taking an Uber/Lyft alone
  • Unwanted interaction at bars

If you can relate to these situations, I understand how scary some of those experiences can be. Women shouldn’t have to live in fear of going out alone. When you get that gut feeling that something might be wrong, it’s usually right. I’ve been in many situations where my gut has been right about feeling unsafe.

You should always listen to your gut if you feel uncomfortable doing something or going somewhere because you feel unsafe about the situation. Feeling unsafe but not wanting to miss out on fun plans or group events can be a tough place to be in. For instance, going out to the bars can be a fun experience. But sometimes it can bring up feelings of anxiousness due to the fear of getting a drink spiked, or getting separated from your friends and then becoming a target. And it doesn’t just apply to group events or plans. It can be as simple as walking down the street or to your car.

Ladies, you know the drill. When walking to your car it isn’t just walking to your car. You get your keys in hand with your self-defense jabber or pepper spray, you’re scanning the parking garage as you walk, you make sure to check that nobody is underneath or inside your car, you get in your car and lock the doors, and you immediately drive away.

Some things that are simple in theory aren’t so simple if you’re a woman who’s afraid of getting attacked by someone with malicious intent. That may sound like a silly scenario but it’s true for me. I’m always doing that routine when walking to my car.

As much as these situations can be scary, I refuse to live in fear. If anything I just make sure to be more aware of my surroundings. I want to share a few resources and items I have that help me feel safe when I’m out alone.

What I Carry With Me

  1. Addalock door jam

The Addalock dor jam is really great to have if you have doors in your home or apartment that doesn’t lock. It’s also really handy to carry with you when you’re traveling. The door jam works for doors that are hinged and swing inwards.

Included above are photos of how to adjust it to the door. I’ve used this lock multiple times now and I can say it’s really helped me feel safer. Especially when traveling. Even though hotels have locks, it’s important to take extra precautions. This also goes for Airbnb rentals or apartments where you know extra safety could come in handy.

2. Pepper Spray

Now, pepper spray is something that I believe every woman should have/carry with them. This one that I have includes a flip-top safety cap, it contains 20 bursts with a spray range of 12 feet, and it has a built-in keychain so you can attach it to your car keys.

Mace also has a package on their website called the Apartment Safety Kit. It includes an alarm, a stun gun, and pepper spray with an attached LED light. There are a lot of great things out there that can at least help us be more prepared and secure if something were to happen.

3. VIPERTEK VTS-989 Stun Gun

Granted, not everyone has to carry around a stun gun if that makes you uncomfortable but it’s another way to know that you have an additional protective boundary in case you were to ever need it. I have the VIPERTEK VTS 989 Stun Gun. It’s rechargeable, has an LED flashlight with a lightbulb life of over 100,000 hours, includes stun strips, and a safety switch.

Something to note is that they do not sell this stun gun in the states of Hawaii, Massachusetts, Michigan, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia (Washington DC). Make sure to check your state local laws about having and carrying a stun gun.

Additional products

Here’s a list of a few more products that you can check out for safety:

  • InvisaWear Jewelry — Jewelry that provides a silent S.O.S signal to your loved ones and 911 if you’re unable to speak. This shares your location and sends a text message to pre-selected emergency contacts
  • Personal Alarm
  • GTFO Wrist Strap — intended as a tool to facilitate escape from the side or rear windows of a vehicle. It is most effective against the tempered glass.
  • Self Defense Keychain
  • Security Door Jammer — Adjustable door jammer with 30lb of force and works on all surfaces
  • Door Stop Alarm — Door jam with three sensitivity levels: Low, Medium, and High with an adjustable sensitivity switch on the side. H level is the most sensitive level that vibration will trigger an alarm.


Not only are there physical products that can help you stay safe, but there are also a ton of apps coming out geared towards personal safety.


Noonlight is a popular safety app that monitors you while walking to a destination alone. You set a code when you join the app. This code is entered once you release your finger on the hold until safe button on the home screen. This lets the app know you’ve reached your destination without any issues. If you are in a situation where you’re in danger, don’t enter your pin and the authorities will be contacted immediately with your location.

You can also add friends to a safety network to notify them if something were to go wrong.


Bond is another app that you can download to help ensure there’s another boundary when you’re out alone. There’s a feature within the app called Track Me On The Go which can monitor your walk to the destination you’ve set. If you don’t arrive within the ETA or deviate from the route on the map, the Bond app will check in with you to see if you’re okay.

The ready an agent feature works similarly to Noonlight. “Just press and hold the Ready An Agent button on your Bond app. A Personal Security Agent will be on alert. When you release the button, you’ll be connected with an agent who can assist you. If you don’t respond, they’ll coordinate with the authorities.”

The Video Monitor Me feature allows you to facetime with a Security Agent to monitor your walk and also stay on the phone with you until you’ve reached your destination.

The Send Me A Car feature allows you to contact Bond security agents within the app to connect you with rideshares without needing an app account. This feature works so you don’t have to fumble in between apps to get a safe ride to your destination.

The app also has a siren feature. You hold down the siren button for three seconds to activate it.

Having Something is Better Than Nothing

All in all, it’s important to make sure you do your research when it comes to safety products and apps. Reading reviews helps gauge whether or not you should be buying a personal safety item or downloading an app. You should never feel crazy for wanting to buy or download something that could help keep you safe in case you’d need it.

Personal safety isn’t something we should bypass and I know most women are usually prepared and have at least some form of defense. It’s important to listen to your gut when you feel like you’re in an unsafe situation. In situations where you feel uncomfortable with walking alone, you can always see if there’s a friend that can walk with you. If I know I’m going to be walking somewhere to meet a friend alone, I’ll often call them to keep them on the line with me until I know I’m safe. Simple things like that can really help.

I hope this article at least gave you more insights on what products are out there to help keep you safe. Staying alert, and having extra protective measures are always good options. Even if you never use them, just knowing they’re there can help with reassurance.



Anna Berger
Motivate the Mind

A Chaotic Good through and through. Find me at @simplychaoticgood