Stop Fearing; Start Living

Don’t try to control the uncontrollable

Motivate the Mind
2 min readNov 24, 2021


Photo by Alexandra I. on Unsplash

It’s invisible; It’s powerful; It’s everywhere.

If you are not careful, it may paralyse you. When a body part is paralysed, it doesn’t move. If you are overcome by it, your life doesn’t move: life becomes paralysed. What makes it more dangerous than physical paralysis is that you are oblivion that it’s paralysing you. You stop experimenting, and you fall back on the comfort of your safety and routine.

It’s a four-letter word: FEAR

But how easily do we fall for fear? Students are afraid to fail in exams, employed are afraid of becoming unemployed, unemployed are afraid of not finding a job, rich are afraid to lose money or become less rich than their competitors.

Fear is not an external but an internal enemy. You think fear happens because whatever you fear can harm or hurt you, but the truth is you allow your mind to think that it can harm or hurt you.

As the quote goes, “ We suffer more in imagination than reality.”

Fear is an imaginary cage that you build around yourself, and you are unaware that you have locked yourself in that cage. Fear keeps you away from your potential, the opportunities, the person that you can be, but fear holds you back from all of that.

Fear exhausts you, drains your energy: energy that you could have expended pursuing your dream. But you are too consumed by fear.

Milton said, “ The mind is its place and in itself can create a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.”

Life is uncertain — pandemic dropped out of nowhere — and a big part of life is uncontrollable. If you try to control the uncontrollable, you lose control over what is controllable.

What is controllable is your actions, your courage and your resilience. Times will be tough, but you can either let fear paralyse you, or let resilience, courage bring the best out of you.

Remember fear can be dispelled. Fear isn’t your natural state; you picked it up somewhere in your life — social conditioning or other reasons.

Your mind is your greatest friend but can also be your greatest enemy. You can overcome fear knowing that inside you lies a reservoir of courage all you need to do is look inside.

Stop fearing; Start living



Motivate the Mind

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