The Best Way To Welcome the New Year

Release and let go of things that no longer serve you and make room for something better to enter your life.

Ritesh Ramrakhyani
Motivate the Mind


Let go of the old to welcome the new.
Photo by Ankush Minda on Unsplash

Another year has passed, and many of you might be looking forward to welcoming the new year with new resolutions hoping it will change your life for something better. But as per research, almost 80% of people give up on the new year’s resolutions by the month of February. Why is it so?

We make resolutions to add something new to our life or change something, but we never focus on subtracting anything from our life. We never think about what we should lay down and what we should give up and release in order to move forward. If you learn to let go of things, you will make space for something better to enter your life.

There are always some things we no longer require or are no longer serving us. Sticking and holding on to these things is pulling you down. Holding on causes more damage than letting go of the things. And in order to add something new to your life, first, you should make some room by letting go and giving up on the things that are holding you back.

So, with bidding goodbye to this year, we shall also bid goodbye to those things we are holding on to that are just increasing our burden, draining our energy, and depleting us. It can be your relationship, job, past grudges, beliefs, habits, thinking patterns, etc. It can be anything that is just consuming your energy and not serving you anymore. As you let go of these things, you automatically create space for something even better to enter your life.

We can learn this thing from nature. Nature is always a great teacher. Have you ever observed a tree in the fall season when it begins to drop its leaves? Have you ever wondered why it is so?

The function of leaves is to absorb the sunlight, convert it to energy, and pass it on to the tree to sustain and grow. The tree, in return, provides water in the form of energy to the leaves. It’s a two way energy exchange, a give and take between the leaf and the tree.

In the fall season, the leaves stop serving their purpose and holding on to these leaves will deplete the tree of water and energy as it is no longer getting any energy back in return from the leaves. So, in order to survive and conserve water and energy, the tree starts shedding its leaves that are draining its energy, as there is no longer a reciprocal exchange of energy between the tree and these leaves.

Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop. — Rumi

It looks like a simple phenomenon that the tree drops the leaves, but there is a great learning here. It’s about conserving energy to survive, grow, and become strong. It’s about giving up on what is weighing you down and draining your energy.

So, to grow, be strong and be the best you can be, you need to surround yourself with relationships, projects, habits, work, friendships, etc., where there is a reciprocal exchange that serves you in one way or another. It is one of the most important aspects of creating a better life and being happier.

So, just take a moment and close your eyes and observe your energy level. You can think about a fuel gauge where you can see empty on one side and full on the other. And examine what your current energy level is. And if it is low, think about what makes it low, what is taking away your energy.

You will operate at high energy if you are surrounded by stuff that is serving you and taking you forward. And if you are holding onto something that drags you down, your energy will always be depleted. And you will always feel exhausted.

Just like to fill the pot with fresh new water, we need to empty the pot and get rid of the old and impure water; similarly, we need to get rid of those things from this year and from the past that are no longer helping us and make some space to welcome new and better things in the new year.

So, to fly higher and climb the ladder of success in the new year, release the baggage that you are clinging to and give up on it for new things to blossom in your life. Once you let go of these things, you will gain more energy, vitality and motivation that will drive you to take actions that will create something better in your life and take you forward in the direction of your dreams.



Ritesh Ramrakhyani
Motivate the Mind

Writer | Reader | Learner | I write about self-improvement, success, motivation and spirituality. Web: Book: