
The Common Denominator of Success

Several years ago I stumbled upon a speech that defines what it takes to be successful.

Tony U. Francisco
Motivate the Mind
Published in
4 min readMar 11, 2022


Image by the author on Canva.

The speech was given by Albert E.N. Gray at the National Association of Life Underwriter’s convention of 1940. It was given to those that sold life insurance for a living.

Selling anything requires a certain degree of resilience, grit, and determination. Fortitude is a prerequisite in a profession where people shut doors in your face, hang up when you call, and otherwise walk in the other direction when they see you approaching.

In a field where failure is common, the traits that make one successful are also common. However, this universal trait can be adopted by anyone since it applies to everything. The following passages are taken from his speech and it is my best attempt to highlight the core of his message. (Note: link to pdf of full speech at end of post)

Of course, like most of us, I had been brought up on the popular belief that the secret of success is hard work, but I had seen so many men work hard without succeeding and so many men succeed without working hard that I had become convinced that hard work was not the real secret even though in most cases it might be one of the requirements.



Tony U. Francisco
Motivate the Mind

Professional Coach that uses Performance Psychology to help People and Organizations Thrive. https://bio.site/trainoutwork