The Key is How You Feel About Yourself

How Motivated are You to Succeed?

Isabel Young
Motivate the Mind
3 min readSep 28, 2021


Photo by Jessica Yong on Unsplash

What Motivates Us & Why Does It Matter?

The human brain is a fascinating thing. It’s a powerful organ that can make us feel anything from joy to anger to sadness. Its power lies in its ability to motivate us.

How do we feel when we make a change in our life?

Changes in life can be difficult, but they also bring about motivation. We want to be successful and see the positive change as an achievement.

Success is a feeling that can’t be guaranteed, but it does happen when we make changes that are important to us.

Stay Motivated in Any Situation

Motivation is essential to success. It fuels our will to keep going. It is important to find ways to motivate yourself. It’s easy to lose motivation when we’re faced with situations such as deadlines, stress and self-doubt.

Find your strength: Our strengths are what make us unique, and is what drive us. Figure out what you are good at, because that is something you should do more of. Knowing how to find motivation through your passions will help you get things done more easily.

Do What You Love: The best way to stay motivated is by doing what you love most, this includes any leisure activities or work related tasks. As long as it’s enjoyable and doesn’t drain you too much, it should be a great motivator for you.

Keep a Positive Mindset: Keeping a positive mindset can be difficult but it can help tremendously in staying motivated because it gives you hope that the situation will improve no matter how hard things seem now.

Regularly journaling empowers you with the self-awareness and perspective needed to stay on track.

It may seem like journaling is just a bunch of words on paper. It can do wonders for someone who needs an escape from their day-to-day life.

Journaling is important for both our physical and mental health because it provides us with an outlet for our pain, stress, or sadness.

Socialize: You may not think of this as a way to get motivated, but socializing with other people who have similar goals can boost your self-esteem. It makes you feel connected to something greater than yourself. Plus, it helps take away the feeling of being all by yourself.

“Feeling is the Secret” How to FEEL What You Want Into REALITY! (Neville Goddard) Law Of Attraction

Final Thoughts:

Feelings are an inherent part of motivation. They are what cause us to go after what we want, whether it’s a promotion at work, a new car, or a vacation.

They are also what keep us going when our hearts are broken or when we have nothing left to lose. But feelings don’t just play out on the surface of who we are — they also affect our thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs.



Isabel Young
Motivate the Mind

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves.