The One Good Thing about Medium that Beats All Critics

Oana Bosbici
Motivate the Mind
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2021
Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels

It’s time to stop complaining about Medium and get back to the basics. Let me explain what I mean.

I’m what some would call a social media lurker. And I’m not alone, I’m part of a select group of people. The ones who enjoy scrolling and reading everyone’s posts on social media but never really get involved.

I’ve been the same with Medium. I lurked around, wrote some articles in the end (there is hope for lurkers), and then my life ended up focusing on another path.

I’ve recently got back on the platform. After I scrolled for a couple of weeks and read a few pieces I got the courage to start posting again.

One of the things that have changed since I last wrote on Medium is the avalanche of articles on how much the platform sucks and how earnings have reduced drastically.

This is a paradox to me as the same people that are slamming Medium are waiting to get a paycheck each month from the publication.

I came back for one simple reason. I can write about whatever I want here. And on top of that, there’s already an audience and some potential cash for what I’m writing. But that’s not even the point.

The simple fact that I can freely speak my mind out and discuss different ideas that I have is priceless to me. That’s what it was always about.

Now, I don’t want to say Medium is perfect. I’m pretty sure that for the ones that were here all along, all the changes can end up being nerve-racking.

But nothing good can come out of complaining and threatening to leave the platform. Since we’re here, we might as well make the best of it.

So, write about what you love. Write about what inspires you. And stop giving a damn about the latest algorithm change.



Motivate the Mind
Motivate the Mind

Published in Motivate the Mind

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Oana Bosbici
Oana Bosbici

Written by Oana Bosbici

At the intersection of digital and nature. Writing about what sparks my curiosity - and that's a long list.