The truth has lost its essence

Ifechukwude Nwaodor
Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2021
Image by Geralt on pixabay

The truth is nobody likes to hear the truth these days and many people have become scared of saying the truth for fear of being chastised. The truth has been trivialized to mere nothingness. What matters to people now is not truth but what favours their twisted mindset. Sugar Coated lies have now become the truth, but the truth is lies will always be lies no matter how you disguise them.

The truth is bitter and that’s a fact, especially in our society today where anomalies have become normal and where the majority follow anomalies. You are considered brave if you speak the truth because people expect you to choose the safer option; which is to lie. Personally, I don’t think something as normal as speaking the truth should be considered brave. But it’s probably so because speaking the truth is invariably considered abnormal in our decaying world.

The saying, if you cannot beat them, join them if just a fancy way of saying don’t speak the truth. Speaking the truth can make you an outcast, speaking the truth can make you lose your job, speaking the truth can even get you killed, because people are scared of the truth. It’s easier to lie just to fit in or to ruffle the egoistic feathers of other individuals than speak the truth and become the enemy.

But just because it’s easier to live telling a lie than speaking the truth doesn’t make it okay for us not to speak the truth. Honesty is a very important virtue we all must possess. Honesty is all about truth. Honesty is more than not telling a lie, it’s standing for all that is just and good. It’s not turning a blind eye to fault or speaking the truth only when it is beneficial.

I’ve seen several situations where it’s easier to fall for the believable lie than the unbelievable truth. Just like how parents always feel their children cannot do certain things, so they choose to believe what they want to and not the truth. Telling a lie is not just about explicitly not telling the truth, telling half a truth is telling a lie, telling distorted truths so it suits you is telling a lie, Choosing silence is as good as you choosing to lie because your silence gives people a chance to fabricate their version of the truth.

A lot of people are not honest and they don’t know this. It’s easy to condemn the government or other people in power when you are not in their position, but ask yourself if you’re honest in your daily life. Do you think the gravity of your actions is lesser because your power and influence are? The truth is it’s not. Dishonesty is dishonesty. It just means you’ll probably be worse than them when you are put in the same position of power.

While it’s important to tell people the truth no matter what, the issue lies in the balance. Saying the truth can be as bad as telling a lie if the feelings of others are not considered.

“A truth told with bad intent Beats all the lies you can invent” William Blake.

The truth ought to be pure not something you use for selfish purposes. I’m not saying you shouldn’t tell the truth, I’m saying the approach you use when telling the truth matters. Tell the truth with love. Apply wisdom when saying the truth.

“Truth without love is brutality and love without truth is hypocrisy” Warren wiersbe.

Ever heard the saying that the truth isn’t what matters in our legal system but whoever can establish their argument as truth?. Justice is indeed blind to a fault.



Ifechukwude Nwaodor
Motivate the Mind

Ifechukwude Nwaodor is a passionate writer living in Lagos Nigeria. She hopes to shed light on social issues with her writing.