Seizing the Moment: Embracing the Importance of Acting Now

Saroj Choudhary
Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2023

We frequently come across this advice, but do we genuinely take it to heart? Often, we only recognize its importance once the moment has slipped away. It’s a situation many can relate to — one moment, we’re pondering our actions, and the next, we grasp that the opportunity has passed. Yet, there lies tremendous value in treasuring the present and maximizing each fleeting moment.

Source: Unsplash

The only time I took it seriously was when I had the same feeling. Time passed, days passed and all of a sudden, Voila! 3 months passed! That made me think. Wait, what did I achieve? These 3 months? Then I thought, what if I did at least one thing every single day for three months? Wouldn’t I be a perfectionist in that particular thing? Or maybe at least near to perfection or perhaps something.

But what happened? What did I not do? The most common thing. I took the time that I had for granted. Yes, that’s what happens with the majority of people. We take our present for granted. Thinking it wouldn’t change anything if we choose a different thing. And that’s what happens the second time. The third time. And the next time.

But what matters is now. This moment right now. What you do now is going to define not just your future but your next move too. For example, you get up early and go for a walk, then meditate and then eat something good. How does that make you feel? Most probably, it will make you feel motivated enough to repeat it the next day because the feeling is unbeatable. You might also think why was I not doing this the whole time? Well, that’s how I felt at least!

And the other side. Imagine you wake up late and start your day by scrolling your phone be it checking your mail or scrolling social media. Either way, it’s not going to help. What you will feel most probably is laziness and unhappiness.

So you can choose to repeat the same thing and keep feeling the same thing. Or you can change everything with every other decision you make which definitely will change everything.

Talk to yourself. Ask yourself, what if I do this instead of this? Some things might seem hard but that’s major because you see no one doing it around you. And honestly, if it were easy, wouldn’t everyone around you would be doing it? But if you can even change one thing for a day and continue to do it every day, it can be game-changing.

Consistency and discipline are what make the difference. People don’t have overnight success or just talent, it is majorly doing the same thing again and again for a long period. And that sums up your result.

Source: Unsplash

So, it's always your choice. If you choose to level up, you have to choose which others might not usually choose. Maybe, it's time. 6 months to go for this year to end. See? This year is half done! But does it feel that way? It doesn’t. I know.

So own your next 6 months and see what you can do. Don’t wait for the perfect moment to start. Make this moment perfect and start now. Remember, it's you who can change everything with every choice you make. And never stop! Because the time certainly won’t ;))

Do comment with your thoughts and suggest anything you would want me to write my next article on;)

Saroj Choudhary



Saroj Choudhary
Motivate the Mind

SMM, Content Writer and Marketing Enthusiast. I write about Personal development and Marketing. Follow my Marketing blog: