Two enemies of progress

Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2022

Avoid those and become the person you want to be

Photo by Mikel Parera on Unsplash

The first enemy

I will do this tomorrow, or I will do this later: How many times you have said it or something to that effect? I have done it often, but tomorrow is a trap. How many tomorrows have gone by, and the task you had planned to do tomorrow remains incomplete?

What you can do today, do it because you never know what tomorrow has in store for you. Maybe, another work comes up that keeps you occupied, and the task that you had planned to do tomorrow never gets done.

Every day you get 86,400 seconds which fools you into believing that you have enough time. A simple calculation shows why you shouldn’t be comforted by 86,400 seconds credited into your account every day.


You will get a total of 1000$ in your lifetime, but you will get that money in instalments every day. Every day you get $10. By the 100th day, you would have got $1000. No more $10 credited into your account.

The 1000$ is the total time you have, and the last $10 installment will be your last day on earth.

You forget that you have got a limited number of seconds on earth, and every day, the 86,400 seconds you get is being deducted from the total seconds you have got.

“Knowledge is endless”, and every day you waste, you only keep yourself away from living your best life, progressing. Nature hates stagnation, and when something stagnates, it rots. If you want to keep flowing like a river, then use time that you have got.

Before saying,” I will do this tomorrow”, ask yourself, “What new I will fail to learn if I procrastinate today?”

Remember this quote:

No amount of money can buy you a second

The second enemy

And the other enemy of progress is the Blame game. Everyone loves to play this game. It’s easy; It’s easier than tic tac toe; all you have to say is, “ I did this because so and so asked me”, or I didn’t perform well because so and so happened.”

And look what happens, the moment you start playing this game, you hand over control of your life to people and circumstances. You stop acting and doing anything that will get you out of your plight.

Blame is shame

Don’t blame because when you blame

You become maim

Blame comes naturally but it’s deadly

Next time you want to blame, stop and ask yourself, “Is Blaming in any way helping me to get out of the situation?” Even if you may not have created a situation, once you are in a situation, you need to act to get out of it.

What matters is: you make the effort and not balming and doing nothing.

So avoid these two words and be the person you want to become because

Tomorrow is sorrow

Blame is shame



Motivate the Mind

I share my perspective through my writing to which you may disagree. You can contact me at