Watching the world you knew fall away but embracing it nonetheless.

Alombah Delight
Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2021

I look forward to growing older when what you look like becomes less and less an issue and what you really are is the point.

Photo by Ravi Patel on Unsplash

I probably shouldn’t be writing about this as I am just in my early twenties. Do you think about growing old? How your life will change? Some time ago, it scared me so much to think about getting old. The loneliness that could come with it, the illnesses, the styles and tastes you cultivated passing out of style, your friends whom you grew up with pass away, your favourite artist or preacher fading into obscurity or passing away, seeing yourself in a mirror just a shadow of a person you can remember like it was yesterday.

Eccl 12:1 “Remember your Creator
in the days of your youth,
before the days of trouble come
and the years approach when you will say,
“I find no pleasure in them” —

To make matters worse, we are living in a time and age where we undervalue our older adults. The advancement in technology has given us skills that could only be passed down by older adults before. Also, the beauty industry is continuously pushing the idea that youth is beauty. Plastic surgeries are becoming the go-to in our attempt to keep our youthful physical appearance. All this is because we think age means weakness and worthlessness.

I have noticed most people hide or lie about their age probably because they haven’t achieved as much as they would have wanted to or as their mates have. Or maybe because they look older physically than they really are and vice versa

Nevertheless, my perspective about old age changed recently when I was listening to the popular preacher and teacher John Piper. Age is a beautiful thing. It is a gift that many do not have. The grey hair, the wrinkles, the experiences of many years, the privilege of seeing things and people change, that’s a gift.

Proverbs 16:31 “Gray hair is a crown of splendor;
it is attained in the way of righteousness.”

The truth is, most of us are shunning old age because of our bodies and our looks. That is vain! The changes that come to your body with age are part of what makes you appreciate life more. Why would you want to be the same person physically you were ten years ago?

Aging is a an extraordinary process where you become the person you should have been — David Bowie

Old age is a beautiful compulsion. All stages of life are beautiful and we should learn to embrace them

“Life never sucks, situations suck. Life is always charming if we have the right attitude to live”.

Rather than dreading an inevitable future, live life in appreciation and make changes in your life now to make your older years more enjoyable. Eat healthily, exercise often, build meaningful relationships and focus on hitting all your landmarks. The present is the only certainty you’ll have so make it worth it.

Life usually gets better with age not worse.



Alombah Delight
Motivate the Mind

looking for meaning in my life as an amateur writer. Christian, growth, and life lessons