If I had a “TIME MACHINE” to travel 10 years in the past — I Would…

Ruchi Nirmal
Motivate the Mind
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2023
Photo by Peter Herrmann on Unsplash

I was a shy distracted 16-year-old. I thought I had the world figured out.

But I didn’t.

Binged watched shows non-stop.

Surfed the web aimlessly.

Read BS self-help.


If I could do it all over again, here are 10 things I would do…

#1: Find a wolf-pack to howl with.

Ideally, people who are a few steps ahead of you.

It’s easier to buy and live in a penthouse when everyone around you has a palace.

#2: Cut off every negative person in your life.

Scroll through your Whatsapp.

Notice how certain people make you feel.

Cut them loose.

#3. Allocate a % of every dime you make to the following channels:

A. Upskilling Account

B. Travel/Entertainment Account

C. Investment Account

#4: Set a clear intention and practice gratitude.

You’ll never receive more if you don’t appreciate what you already have.

Use all your senses to visualize yourself living your desired life.

#5: Hack your mind to embrace the producer mindset instead of the consumer mindset.

Production Rate: 80%

Consumption Rate: 20%

#6: Don’t become a self-help junkie.

Your brain has this idea of doing something productive while reading.

But it’s never worth it until there’s an action.

Any high-quality skill is learned in the trenches.

Not inside a book.

#7. Make a list of everything that scares the shit out of you.

Conquer each.

#8: Make a list of 30 people you aspire to become like.

Write to them.

Ask to intern under them for FREE.

Someone will definitely respond.

#9: Work out mentally and physically.

Mental workout- Meditation will lead your mind to undiscovered parts of yourself.

Physical workout- Taking care of your health should always be a priority. No amount of money can give you that.

#10: Live your days fast and hard.

And mess up as many times as you can before you turn 25, 35, 40, 75, 90, and die. Making mistakes is a privilege reserved for the bold. Most people slack and play it safe. Don’t be like them.

#storytelling #lifelessons #lifehack

Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ruchinirmal33



Ruchi Nirmal
Motivate the Mind

Diagonally parked in the parallel universe. Optimist. Reader. Goal Digger. Follow me on twitter @ruchinirmal33