What’s the Big Deal?

Laughing at your problems and challenges will take back their power and give you the courage to face them.

Ritesh Ramrakhyani
Motivate the Mind
4 min readSep 17, 2022


Some experiences in life teach us a big lesson. Some experiences in life teach us a big lesson. They can transform your life instantly in a moment. Today, I will share one such experience that I had recently that changed the way I perceive problems and challenges in life. It was really a big deal for me.

Laugh in the face of problems.
Photo by tabitha turner on Unsplash

A few months back, I was much stressed out and anxious about many issues in my life. Problems and situations were showing up one after another, and I was very frustrated about it. So, one day, I went to my favourite coffee shop to relax and spend some time alone.

As I was sipping my coffee, I saw someone at the table in front of me who looked like a familiar face. I recalled it, and he was my classmate Jack from secondary school. We have not been in touch for a very long time. I saw he was alone, having some snacks and coffee. I approached him and greeted him. I sat next to him with my coffee, and we started talking.

As we were talking about life, I saw that Jack was looking cheerful and happy about his life. He said he had a beautiful wife and two nice kids. His business was flourishing, and everything was going well in his life. I was glad to know that. And then, I started talking about the problems I was facing and the situations that always kept coming up over the last few months, as I was not happy with my life.

But as I talked about any problem, Jack would just say, “What’s the big deal in this?”. I thought that Jack’s life was going on smoothly, so he couldn’t realize what I had been going through. Maybe, he couldn’t understand unless he walked in my shoes. We talked for a while, and then we exchanged our business cards and left.

After some days, I was passing through Jack’s office for some work and thought I should visit him. As I went to his office, one of his staff person said that Jack was not here today. He added that Jack might be at home as his wife is not keeping well. I asked for his residence address and left.

I visited Jack’s home, and the nurse opened the door. She called upon Jack and welcomed me as she left. Jack greeted me with a warm smile on his face, and we sat on the couch. I asked about his wife’s health. He walked me to his bedroom, where his wife was lying on the bed and said, “My wife has been in coma for over the last fifteen months. Every day the nurse visits and looks after my wife. My kids have been living at my brother’s place as there is no one here in my home to take care of them, as I have to go out for business purposes. I visit them once or twice a month as I can. This is my life.”

I was shocked to hear this, and I still could not believe what Jack was going through. I was just stunned. Jack said that doctors do not have any answers, but he strongly believes that his wife will get well and wake up one day.

Now, I realized what could be a big deal for Jack. The other day I was complaining about the small petty issues going on in my life, and Jack kept on saying, ‘What’s the big deal?’. Now I know what’s the big deal. It was a moment of realization and instant transformation for me.

I learned that we always keep complaining about the small stuff, and most of our life is consumed by it. But if you look around, you will find so many people that are facing way bigger challenges and problems compared to you. You will realize that your life is far better than that of others.

Everyone has problems and difficulties in their lives. Where there is life, there are problems. No one can escape from it. So, instead of complaining and regretting about your problems, accept them and face them. Don’t let your problems consume you. As Joel Osteen said,

The question is not, ‘Do you have a problem?’ The question is, ‘Does the problem have you?’

So, whatever situation or challenges you are facing, just remind yourself, “What’s the big deal?”. It psychologically affects your mind, and the problem appears much smaller. You will be free from being anxious and worried, and it will give you the required strength and courage to face it. Always laugh in the face of problems as Jack did. He was so cheerful that no one could ever know what he had been going through.

When you laugh at your problems, your problems will not disappear. But they will lose their power to consume you, to make you stressed and anxious. Always have a “What’s the big deal?” attitude towards your problems and face them. Remember, as Marie Forleo says, “Everything is figureoutable.”



Ritesh Ramrakhyani
Motivate the Mind

Writer | Reader | Learner | I write about self-improvement, success, motivation and spirituality. Web: www.untangled-life.com Book: https://amzn.eu/d/6K7WEKE