Why Should I Read When I Can Binge-Watch My Favorite TV Series?

Ruchi Nirmal
Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2023

That’s what I thought when I was 12 years old.

Photo by Lê Tân on Unsplash

Reading wasn’t something that seemed important to me.

No one in my family was a reader.

I guess that’s why I always found the idea of reading a book for hours boring and honestly, a waste of time.

I remember my father bringing these non-fiction books by writers like Robin Sharma — gifted to him during his yearly meetings.

I did try reading them and found them inspirational…

But after 10 minutes that inspiration used to vanish.

I loved feeling the initial motivation from them but never thought about executing the wisdom inside.

And let’s agree- Reading books look cool AF.

Then, one day in 11th grade- my new friend who was a new transfer gave me this fictionbook by an Indian writer. I denied accepting it since I wasn’t inclined towards reading fiction.

But she was adamant.

When I reached home — I found she had sneaked that book into my bag (and no she wasn’t a witch who wanted to pull a magic card on me)

So I decided to give her a call.

“Read it over a weekend just 15 pages”, she said.

“Okay.. that’s not a lot. Let me give it a go.” I agreed.

So that’s what happened…

It was Saturday evening around 6:00 p.m.

I locked my room door. Set the lighting to make the mood.

(I know I was an aesthete back then as well)

And I started to read that book with the goal of 20 pages.

Before I knew it was 11 p.m. and I was 80% through the book.

Imagine my shock, surprise, and wonder.

I got so engrossed in that book that I never felt the time. (until the nature’s call… you know)

I felt like transforming into an entirely different world… living the life of the main character. Going through every emotion that the character went through.

That day I realised the power of fiction books.

Moreover the power of ‘WORDS’.

I realized loving books is not about the reading habit but finding your favorite genre. I believe there is a genre for everyone. Like Netflix- someone like thrillers, romantic comedies, sci-fi — everyone has it.

Don’t you find it wicked how these alphabets form into words… and how they’ve got the power to literally transform a person’s behavior?

You can persuade them to buy a product, make them emotional or even influence them. No wonder influences are so popular.

No matter how many years go by… I will always be in awe and wonder while reading impactful storytelling.

So my friend if you can learn one skill in your life — Make it writing great stories.

Remember: To write differently, you need to think differently.

And… that’s only possible by exploring your own ideas with your own unique perspectives.



Ruchi Nirmal
Motivate the Mind

Diagonally parked in the parallel universe. Optimist. Reader. Goal Digger. Follow me on twitter @ruchinirmal33