Work Smart not Hard But Know What Smart Is.

Sheetal Pawar
Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2021

Part 2: What will you choose — Work Smart or Work Hard?

A few years ago, when I was working in a top-tier company, a colleague saw me working hard for a project I had just picked up. This project was not a part of my daily job and so I was working on my breaks and after shift. I was doing it because I wanted to do it. I was thirsty to learn more but this colleague of mine was not happy about this and I wonder why.

But maybe one of these was true-
A) He felt that it was making him look bad as he was not doing a project of his own.
B) He did not like that we could not do our afternoon walks as I was always busy
C) I have no clue

But what he did to divert me from that project was very mean to the company and for me for the long run.

He pointed out to me that it was June when I was doing this. I had no idea what he was trying to say. So he explained that — why do a project in June when your appraisals are already done and no one will remember this for your next appraisal. He suggested that I try this in January next year so my boss remembers this when she is closing my appraisals.

I have to ask you one thing — Have you heard of this before?

Look, I am not judging you if you also think like this from time to time. I understand that working for a purpose sometimes gets tricky when you feel like your company is not taking care of you. I know it first hand so I completely understand your predicament here. Yes, if the organization you are working for is not working out then there still are many things you can do- like talking to someone you trust at the managerial level, joining some project outside your normal team for a bigger exposure, taking a course, and applying that knowledge at work for your personal upliftment, or maybe writing or meeting your CEO or someone at that level with an idea. In my career from front-end executive till the head of customer service, I have done it all and I have seen people done it all.

No matter what you do, the important thing is to do something, anything. Look beyond your daily job. Your country needs you. You do have a bigger role to play even when you are playing on your turf.

All the best: Work Smart But Know What Smart Is.

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Sheetal Pawar
Motivate the Mind

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