You are different.
I think everyone has heard this at least once in their life. But most of the time it is not taken in a positive way. I, myself included thought I am odd. But when you think about it, doesn’t it make you look different from the crowd? I mean being different from everyone else is kind of a superpower to me.
When I was young, I was super insecure about everything in myself. Everything from my name to how I walk and talk. I would be super embarrassed when someone would call out my name out aloud. Because it was different than others as I am a North Indian and was studying in South India. I was told multiple times that my name made everyone think that I am a guy. And at a young age like 14, I grew insecure.
Then, what changed? I still carry the same name, walk more confidently, talk more openly. I am still called different and unique but let me tell you how good that makes me feel. And how did I become this version of me?
The answer is acceptance. The first step is to accept yourself the way you are. Forget about people. The way you talk, the way you look, the way you walk, this everything is you and that is the reason it is different. Because there is no one like you. Obviously! Don’t you think that makes you special? One of a kind? Different? Unique?
Everything changed when I accepted every flaw and beauty of myself. I started owning who I am. Started being more confident. Confidence. That is the key that changes the game. Once you start being confident, no one can question you. Because it seems clear that you are different and people notice. People start envying you. But you know what? Owning that confidence is not easy. And that is why not everyone has it.
You have no idea how powerful you are. Once you start being confident about your actions, all you can see and focus on is yourself which is hard to do because of the chaos around you.
So, next time someone points out something unusual in you, just own it. Because no one else has it and that kind of makes you a superhero. And then you unleash your inner strength and power.
Cheers to the unique you!!