You need to improve yourself before you can change your circumstance

Actions and thoughts lead you to your goals

Motivate the Mind
2 min readDec 14, 2021


Photo by Total Shape on Unsplash

The law of attraction says that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person’s life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. While I don’t know how exactly the law of attraction works, but I do know only thoughts are not going to get the results.

People do not attract what they want but what they are. And when thoughts and actions are in dissonance, we will have a conflict. A conflict that keeps us away from our bests selves. Mental health eludes you.

We must remember it’s not thought alone but thoughts along with actions that bring the results.

If you want to lose weight, you need to eat healthily; if you want to lose weight but continue eating ultra-processed food, junk food, you will be disappointed, frustrated. You will beat yourself for not losing weight and may argue with others if they point that you are still eating unhealthy food.

Your wishes and prayers are only gratified and answered when your thoughts and actions are in sync.

Don’t intentionally put yourself in a difficult situation

Fighting against circumstance is good but don’t self-inflict the tough circumstance. For example, you have a low salary, but you go splurging. For your splurging, you borrow money. Now, this is deliberately putting yourself in a tough situation and then fighting it. In the end, you will be frustrated, but nothing will change until you change your habits.

As the article puts it, “What, then, is the meaning of “fighting against circumstances?” It means that a man is continually revolting against an effect without, while all the time he is nourishing and preserving its cause in his heart.

You need to first change yourself and then think of changing the circumstances. Before spending more, you need to earn more. Unless you realise this, you will always find yourself resenting or fighting tough situations.

People are anxious to improve their circumstances but are unwilling to improve themselves; they, therefore, remain bound.



Motivate the Mind

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