Your reality is a mirror of your mind

Ifechukwude Nwaodor
Motivate the Mind
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2021

I love this quote so much

“ If you can think it, you can achieve it. “

There is nothing in this world too big for you to achieve. No dream is too big or too small, they are all dreams, depending on the perspective of the dreamer.

Do you know what differentiates the poor from the rich? the money? No, It’s the ability to create money, which comes from their thirst and drive for success. They keep thinking of ways to add to what they already have. What’s inspiring about successful people is that even when facing problems, all they can think about is how to proffer solutions to them instead of dwelling on the problems. They see problems as a challenge to become innovative.

Image by shonejai on pixabay

This is what differentiates the successful from the unsuccessful.

The ability to see answers amid problems, to keep the clarity of thoughts despite the turbulence that’s what it means to have a positive mindset.

Having a positive mindset means that despite the many No’s, you keep pushing till you have your Yes. You know what you have to offer and are not discouraged by a few No’s. Have the “I can do it” mentality.

The power of a positive mindset cannot be overemphasised. Thinking positively keeps you motivated and confident. It gives you the drive you need to achieve your goals.

A positive mindset does not mean you just think positively without actually working. It doesn’t mean you won’t ever fail, or you don’t think it might not work out the way you plan. A positive mindset is understanding that there are limitations but you have power over those limitations. It’s trying again even when you fail with the same vigour and enthusiasm as when you just started the first time. It is accepting defeat but not dwelling on it.

Just remember this whenever you are feeling discouraged and don’t think you can move on, that Thomas Edisson tried 1000 times before succeeding with the light bulb. According to him he didn't fail a thousand times, but the light bulb was an invention that required a thousand steps. That's the mentality we all need, If he didn’t have an “I can do it” mentality, he’d never have been able to achieve it.

The mind is the greatest tool we possess as humans. Our lives is a reflection of how we program our minds. Once you think you can’t do it, you won’t ever be able to, because that thought alone restricts you from taking chances or making moves. The moment you fail to plan because you are scared or unsure, you’ve just planned to fail earlier.

So we all have to put aside negative thoughts and uncertainty and go for it with the mindset of succeeding and we’ll definitely not have any regrets because at least we gave it our all.



Ifechukwude Nwaodor
Motivate the Mind

Ifechukwude Nwaodor is a passionate writer living in Lagos Nigeria. She hopes to shed light on social issues with her writing.