Jennifer Strout
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2020


How to Set Up Your New Year’s Resolutions for Success

How do you cook from a recipe?

You follow the steps.

How do you solve a math problem?

You follow the formula.

So why then do we have such difficulty applying these solutions to other areas of our lives. Every action we take as individuals is a series of smaller actions put together. It should come as no surprise then that when starting a new task or setting a new goal that the best path forward is to lay out each step.

We often forget how much went into learning all that we know. As children, our caregivers repeatedly made clear what steps we were required to perform, and this methodology continued through school. Suddenly, when we step into adulthood, and outside of our employment, we are no longer instructed on what to do or how to do it.

So what happens when we aren’t given guidance on how to do something before attempting it on our own?

Often, we hit a wall. The path no longer seems linear, not even like a rugged mountain, but instead a unscalable wall. We freeze. Unable to take the next step. Unable to take any step at all.

So this year, I urge you to break your New Year’s resolutions in to small, incremental goals. Set a goal post for each month and make a list of resources to help you achieve those goals. In fact, let’s break up this task into simple steps:

Step 1. Determine your core goal. (Example: Exercise more).

Step 2. Break your goal into monthly steps. (Example: In January I will stretch for 5 minutes each morning when I wake up. In February I will add stretching for 5 minutes before bed. In March I will add a 15 minute walk once per week….In July I will complete a 15 minute walk 5 times per week. In August I will extend one of my walks to a 30 minute walk….In December I will complete a 30 minute walk 5 times per week.

Step 3. Put resources in place. (Example: Tell a friend about your goals to help keep yourself accountable. Write notes in your calendar to keep track of your progress).

Wow, achieving your goals can as simple as 1 - 2–3- just like following a recipe.

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Jennifer Strout

is an innovative entrepreneur focused on providing technological solutions. She is the Founder/CEO of MotivateU (