Taking on 2021 in 2 Words

Kaitlin Armstrong
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2021

New Year’s resolutions are a typical January creation. Unfortunately, my resolutions never survive past the month of their birth. I feel like a resolution, such as working out regularly or eating healthier, becomes too suffocating after four weeks. Also, I make the same two goals every year, so this year I felt the need to spice things up. My intention is to accomplish multiple goals without becoming bored or burnt out by specifics.

My dynamic plan is to focus on two words and to strive towards the embodiment of those words throughout the year. By choosing two words, instead of limited achievements, I have more freedom to add or remove goals that I may want to accomplish.

My 2 words for 2021: versatility and success.

First, versatility is something I want to strive towards because I understand the value of having the ability to do multiple things well. Specifically, as a writer I would like to become more versatile in my style. I have been stuck in the intense bubble of academic writing and I strongly desire to improve my creative writing. Through versatility, I believe I can excel with both growth and knowledge: two enduring qualities that I value.

Second, the word success allows me to have a broad goal of accomplishing whatever task I set forth. I want to have success in landing a job that leverages my degrees, which center around communications. I also want to succeed in personal hobbies of mine, which include reading, video games, and painting.

I encourage readers to choose two words that encompass or exemplify goals you want to accomplish by the end of the year! Habits are reinforced, in part, by sharing your goals with others- so feel free to share your “2 words” in the comments.

