Top 3 Benefits of Traveling the World

Bored IT Guy
Motivation Drive Thru
3 min readFeb 3, 2018
Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash

One of the best examples of why to travel I found, was the description on Quora’s travel section. It reads

“To get away from one’s working environment is, in a sense, to get away from one’s self; and this is often the chief advantage of travel and change.”

As modern men and women, we find ourselves complacent and sometimes afraid of change. The average person has a 9–5 and although may claim to be comfortable, always feels just a little bit off when the silence sets in. Usually set in front of a television or computer with no other purpose in it other than entertainment, never for a sense of self fulfillment.

Granted traveling isn’t for everyone. There are many people who do in fact enjoy the common hum drum beat of everyday life. However, if you’ve found yourself to this article and have stayed in even this far, I can only assume that might not be you.

So here are the benefits of travel and how it can make you a better person.


There is no better way to improve your knowledge of the world than going out and experiencing it first-hand. A book or show on the travel channel will never compare to feeling the breeze hit you when climbing through the Alps mid-summer.

Nor is there a course at your college that can truly engrave the emotional impact of tasting the foods of a foreign culture and meeting their native community. Your ignorance will evaporate with every step forward as you navigate your way around the globe.


Traveling, regardless of where you go, takes you out of your comfort zone. The first trip may be incredibly stressful trying to navigate the airport terminals and unfamiliar bus stations. But after you’ve completed your journey, there are few more satisfying actions than solving a problem through the process of adventure.

The first few trips I’ve taken we’re so surprising on how different things were, that it was definitely a perfect test for self-sufficiency. After all was said and done though, there is no greater confidence boost than knowing you’ve taken on a piece of the world and came out triumphant.


Through improving your knowledge of the world and gaining confidence through your problems in navigation (like the GPS you know is going to die and you still don’t bring a map), you will meet people with a view on life that you would’ve never considered. These people will test your ideas and beliefs and may become foes in your journey. But they can’t take away the joy you’ll gain from those who become friends.

Drive Thru Take Out:

You’ll be nervous undoubtedly, but don’t let it deter you from traveling. Travel to learn, gain confidence, and meet people who may become the best friends you’ve ever had.

Originally published at

