Ishtiaq Marwat - LinkedInPreneur
Motivation Recharge
5 min readMar 19, 2018

ALLAH has a plan for every creature. How to take the Sign in a Positive Way?

Once upon a time there was a lazy man, who would always look for an easier way to feed himself. One day when he was in search of food, he saw a garden of fruits, He quickly rushed into the garden to steal some fruits. He looked around and found no one guarding the trees. As soon as he started climbing the tree, the farmer saw him and started coming towards him to catch him. The lazy man saw the farmer coming towards him with a big stick. He became afraid and ran towards the nearby jungle to hide into it.

After sometime when he felt that farmer has gone on his way. He started to move out of the forest. While passing, he saw a wonderful scene. There was fox which has only two legs but still was crawling happily. The lazy man thought that how a fox can live and survive in such a miserable condition.

Soon he saw a lion with a piece of meat in his mouth, coming towards the fox. All the animals ran away and the lazy man climbed tree. But the fox remained there as the fox cannot run with its two legs. But the next scene was surprising for the lazy man. The lion left the piece meat which was in his mouth for the fox.

The lazy man felt happy on seeing the GOD’s play. He thought that ALLAH is the creator of all and he always has planned for every creature to feed. He thought that ALLAH must have something planned for him. So he left the place and sat somewhere on the road and started waiting for someone to feed him. 2 days passed by but no one gave him food. Finally, he could not bear the hunger and started to leave.

He met an old wise man (who was famous for his wisdom). He told the wise man what has happened to him. Wise man gave him some food to it. Lazy man asked that ALLAH has shown mercy for the crippled fox but why he was so cruel to me.

Wise man smiled and answered that it is true that ALLAH has a plan for every creature. You are also part of the plan but you took the sign in a wrong way. He didn’t want you to be the Fox. But he wants you to be the lion.

I don’t know what has happened to the lazy man, did he lived rest of his life like a fox or the lion. But….

True wisdom has been revealed in this short story. What we are, what we have, what we are facing — all happens for a greater and good reason. We complain that we are poor but we don’t think a bit that it must be a part of plan. ALLAH has born us poor to remove the poverty from the world. Every one of us stay and live life like the fox but why not live life like the Lion. Why not be a giving hand. It is not our mistake that we are born poor. But if take this sign in a positive and constructing way than we can become the sign of hope for millions of poor and needy. What happens to us — happens for a better reason.

Every adversity happens to us for a good and better reason. Why not we innovate, create and transform our mind into such a way that we turn those adversities into opportunities. You are jobless. This seems a misgiving, bad luck, adversity but if we take this sign in a positive and constructive way and we transform our life and put our efforts to innovate and create then in no time we will find a way to turn this so called adversity into an opportunity that will serve many others. We can create jobs for many other jobless. So it only depends on us that either we choose to be a fox or a lion.

Look at the Abdul Sattar Edhi — The Richest Poor Man. He was born poor but he has used this sign and changed the lives of million poor and needy.

Look at the Nick Vujicic — He was born limbless but he has accepted it and used this sign and became an inspiration for many people who are perfect and healthy.

Look at Muniba Mazari — She met the road accident and became disable to walk for the whole life but she has accepted this sign and became an inspiration for women and also men.

Many many examples are in front of us.

Why we should be only receiving hands. Why we should not be on the giving side.

We make a living by what we get — we make a life by what we give — Winston S. Churchill

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” ―Pablo Picasso

“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others.” — Mahatma Gandhi

“Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone’s life. Be the light that helps others see; it is what gives life its deepest significance.” ― Roy T. Bennett,

What you are — who you are — how you are — You Think about this garbage everytime.

But did You THINK about it that


You are here for the service of others. You are here to be the GIVING HAND.

Now may be you think that what I can give. Now observe yourself — your education — your skills. Then you will find that I have much much more and I can give it to make someone’s life better. Can Make this world a better place for someone somewhere.

So from today — from this very moment — DECIDE that I will give what I have to make the life of someone somewhere. I will be the GIVING HAND. I will be on the GIVING SIDE. I will create opportunities for other. In short — I will make this world a better place than I have found it.


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Ishtiaq Marwat - LinkedInPreneur
Motivation Recharge

LinkedIn Growth Coach — I help Professionals/Entrepreneurs/Freelancers Grow and Win Opportunities on LinkedIn