How to Develop Power of Belief — How to Believe Yourself

Ishtiaq Marwat
The Data Scientist’s Notebook
4 min readNov 5, 2017

Power of belief play a key role, a vital role in achieving success. Power of belief is the driving force. When you believe in yourself, when you believe in your abilities than the path towards success becomes easy. Everything on the path of a greater, achieved, successful life depends upon the power of belief. Believe you can do it and you will succeed. When you met with a problem and you say that I believe that I can solve the problem than you make yourself stronger and then your mind is opened and it starts finding ways to overcome this problem. And if you say that I am not able to resolve this issue, you are by default failed. That’s the power of belief. Think of all the difficult situations that had occurred or present now in your life and observe it carefully, you will find that how your power of belief played a vital role in those situations. Now if Power of Belief is such important thing that How to develop it as it is very very important.

Now today I want to share with you three guides to acquire and strengthen the power of belief.

Think Success, Don’t Think Failure: In every situation of your life, at work, at home, at school substitute success thinking for failure thinking. Thinking has a big impact on our belief system. We think ourselves failure that’s why we fail. We think ourselves short that’s why we are treated of no worth. We think that we cannot do it and we are not able to get it done. Now to strengthen the power of belief we have think of success, we have to think of achievement, we have to make an attitude of making it possible. We have to think ourselves of much worth so that we are treated of worth. We have to think of success to achieve success. Think yourself of worth, you are treated of worth.

Now when you face a difficult situation, think “I will win” not “I will probably lose”. When you compete with someone else, think, “I’m equal to the best” not “I’m outclassed”. When opportunity appears think “I can do it” not “I cannot do it”.

You have to master success thinking, winning thoughts, achievement thoughts and you have make this success thought so much bombard on your mind that it becomes deep embedded in your subconscious mind and at the end it should be the only thought you have at every moment of your life. So think of success in every walk, in every moment of your life, to live a great, successful, achieved life.

Remind yourself regularly that you are better than you think you are: Look and Read this carefully, Successful people are not super human. Those who have achieved greater success in their lives are same like you, same human beings. They have the same brain size like you. I have talked about this earlier that successful people only have quality of big thinking and confidence on themselves, their abilities. Believe me, all the successful people who have lived on this planet earth or living today can be surpassed. They are not super-humans. They are not super-intelligent. They have not super-brains.

They have not super-abilities but they have only big thinking and super-confidence on themselves.

So regularly remind yourself that you are of much worth. You are better than you think you are. You have to have confidence on yourself. You have to believe your abilities.

Success is not based on luck but it depends on your confidence and thinking.

Never Never Sell yourself short.

Believe Big: The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Think big and you will achieve big. Think small, you will achieve small. Think little goal and expect little achievements. To achieve big, you have to have big dreams. You have to think big.

One who is failure today is just because of his belief system, just because of his thinking level. Those who are success today are only because of their big belief on themselves and their level of thinking.

One who lags behinds in anything field of life is just because of his own belief system, his level of thinking.

So Believe yourself that you can succeed and you will succeed.

So Believe Big — Think Big — Dream Big — Set Big Goals to Succeed Big — Achieve Big

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