Ishtiaq Marwat
The Data Scientist’s Notebook
4 min readFeb 23, 2018

What is PAST? What is FINISHED? What is END? What is GONE?

Do you really know the meaning of PAST? Do you really know? Did you ever tried to think about this word PAST?

Past — Finished –End –Gone-Done-Forgettable — ALL ARE JUST SYNONYMS.

Past is the journey that has ended.

Past is the time that has passed.

But I have seen many people that are unwilling to let go the past, to forget the past? And this really did not help them but this is the thing that keep them back.

As quoted by Lily Tomlin that forgiveness is that giving hope for a better past.

We can’t have a better past. The past is gone. The past is just passed. The past is done. The past is unchangeable. The past is only to be forgiven. The past is only to let it go.

But one thing that is holding us back is hoping for a better past. Thinking about a better past. Now how this is holding us back?

May be we have made some blunders in the past. May be we have made some mistakes in the past. May be we have failed; we had given up. Now in the present moment, when we want to do something worthwhile, we stop, we think that we have made this mistake, we have made that blunder, we had that misgiving in the past. If we have not made that mistake, if we have not did this way then we would have a better life. We would be living better. We would be more successful today and now thinking about that gone past, we take no action in the present moment. We stop and think about a better future. We are not willing to take any worthwhile action in this present moment. But we don’t realize that we cannot have better past at any cost. We don’t realize that we are making the greatest blunder.

But there is one way that we can take benefit of remembering our past and that way is that it does not matter what mistakes we have made, what we have done. We have to learn from our past. We have to analyze our mistakes, blunders, misgivings, mishaps and learn from those to avoid those in the present moment, in order to have a better future.

We can have a better future, if we consider past as a learning opportunity and we accept that past is gone and we make a commitment to grow and grow better.

As Seneca quoted that every new beginnings comes from some other beginnings ends.

So to start a journey, to put your life on a new better way, you have to close the chapter of the past. You have to close the door to the past. You have to accept that it is never going to have a better past. You have to accept that I have to make action in the present moment. You have to accept that what horrible thing happened to you in the past is the part of the great journey that is leading you to a great successful career, to a great successful life.

Now how can you learn from the past? How can you have a better future based on that past sufferings? You can learn from past by analyzing it. By re-framing. By re-framing it in such a way that why something has happened? You have to analyze it and framer it in such a way to find the new you in that. To find the new beginning in that. To find the new way of life in that. To find the something new in that. To find something good in that.

Then after finding a new way for you, you forget the past and start your journey in the present to make a better future.

In the discovery of that new you. In the discovery of that new place where you want to go.

In the discovery of something new and better for yourself.

You realize that you are writing that future. And once you realize that you are writer of your future, you are the captain of the ship. You are the master of the soul. Then you start helping others to realize their future. To realize their better way. To realize their purpose in life. You help them, find their new version.

Once you realize that you can take control of all that mental baggage and turn it into something positive.

One you realize that the brick that weigh you down, can be the bricks that holds you up. Then you will help other to realize theirs. Then you will go on to do something incredible. Then you help other to have a better life.

But to do this. First you have to forgive. First you have to understand. Then you are never going to have a better past but you definitely can have a better future.

You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don’t try to forget the mistakes, but you don’t dwell on it. You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space

“The only thing a person can ever really do is keep moving forward. Take that big leap forward without hesitation, without once looking back. Simply forget the past and forge toward the future.”

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