Our Deepest Fear is that We are POWERFUL beyond MEASURE

Ishtiaq Marwat
The Data Scientist’s Notebook
5 min readMar 7, 2018

As quoted by MARIANNE WILLIAMSON: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

What is fear?

What impact this fear has on our lives?

Why we consider ourselves as inadequate when we are not?

Why we don’t accept the power that is hidden — embedded within us?

Why our whole life, we are unable to realize, the power we are blessed with, we are unable to find our gift?

Why we consider ourselves as incapable one, when we are much capable?

This is one thing fear that holds us back. This is fear that we don’t try to reveal our greatness. This is fear that had put people in the hospitals. This is fear that has made people live average and mediocre. This is fear that kill dreams.

We don’t fear of what we cannot do — But we fear of how much we can do.

Fear is just an illusion that holds us from showing our capabilities, that holds us from showing our creativity. It is because of this fear that our creativity dies inside us.

This fear has great impact on our lives. And those who had conquered fear had achieved great success in their lives.

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela

Now to achieve greatness in life, you have to conquer this illusion called FEAR.

Everyone is blessed with a great power and there is nothing impossible in this world. Now we are capable of much but we fear of the unknown.

As quoted by Plato: Courage is knowing what not to fear.

So we need the courage, we need the confidence to cross this illusion. To get rid of this self-made illusion, to cross this self-made wall in front of us.

There are several types of fear that we face.

Fear of society that what will people say. What will society say.

Next is the fear of perfection. We fear that what we do, will not be perfect and people will laugh at us and then we wait for the time to be perfect, we wait for us to be great to do it. We hesitate to take action because we consider ourselves imperfect.

As quoted by Zig Ziglar: “You don’t have to be great to start but you need to start to be great”.

Other Fear is Fear of TIME. We fear that this is not the perfect time. We wait that we have no opportunity available and we wait for the opportunity to come. As quoted: “It is better to be prepared and having no opportunity then having opportunity but not prepared”.

There are many many fears that we face, that holds us back, that don’t allow us to start. We fear that we will fail. We fear that people will laugh at us.

One thing quoted by a Wise man that bring use of “SO WHAT” in your talks. People will say that you will fail — So what? Your mind will say that people will laugh at you — so what.

So What — So What — So What.

Just don’t give a single thought to these garbage voices. These voices come to everyone but only the wise and only who have the guts and courage, ignore these voices and continue their journey on the road of success.

This is no perfect time for anything.

Observe that if Muhammad (S.A.W) had feared that my army of 313 cannot fight the skilled army of 1000 then journey of Islam would not be possible.

Observe for one second that if Thomas Edison feared that I have failed one thousand times and I am unable to do it then world will not be able to see the light bulb.

Observe that if Nick Vujicic feared that I am limbless and people will laugh at me then world will not be able to hear the words of wisdom and motivation.

Observe that if Muneeba Mazari feared that I am on wheel chair and people will not accept me that world will not be able to hear the words of inspiration and motivation from the iron lady and she will not be the sign of hope and inspiration for many people especially girls.

Observe that if Tariq bin Zayad feared that burning boats on the sea shores is not safe that he will not be able to conquer that city.

Observe every invention, innovation and discovery made by the people in this world. Observe and think about it that if fear had kept them from doing it then where we will be today.

Now observe these some sentences, this small article and think that if I had feared that I have no contents available, I have no words available then I will not be able to write this article. What made me writing this article? I started. I crossed this illusion of fear and then words start flowing from my mind and turn into words of inspiration and wisdom for someone somewhere.

Now what we have to do, that we have to cross this illusion of fear, we have to unleash our power and capacities buried inside us.

We have the power just we have to accept it. We are powerful beyond measure just we have to accept it.

The greatest victory for anyone is the victory against the human in the mirror. Conquer this one and then no one will be able to conquer you.

“One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do.” — Henry Ford

“The eagle has no fear of adversity. We need to be like the eagle and have a fearless spirit of a conqueror!” — Joyce Meyer

Underneath your fears lie great opportunities. Because when you do the things that scares you most, you make your mind to do it at any cost then your mind start finding ways to solve this mystery, to conquer this barrier. When you cross this illusion of fear then you find great opportunities in front of you, waiting for you to grab it. You find your true self only when you cross this mental barrier.

“Fears are nothing more than a state of mind.” — Napoleon Hill

“If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear?” — Confucius

“Action cures fear, inaction creates terror.” — Douglas Horton

“Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it… that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear.” — Dale Carnegie

So accept this reality that WE ARE POWERFUL BEYOND OUR MEASURE.

