Uncovering Opportunities — Stepping into Greatness

Ishtiaq Marwat
The Data Scientist’s Notebook
4 min readMar 8, 2018

Do you know that How a change is made?

Do you know what is single most important secret to greatness?

Do you know what impact has the patience on our lives?

As quoted by Aristotle: “We are — What we repeatedly do”.

Everything brought to this world with the continuous use of human brain was the result of a continuous change process. Every greatness is the result of the opportunities that the human brain has uncovered.

Do you know that There is only 1.5% difference between the DNA of Human and Chimpanzee. Now this means that there is only 1.5% difference between a rocket ship and a pile of banana. There is only 1.5% difference between leaving your dreams, working for your passion and jumping tree to tree.

Now this 1.5% creates huge difference — Creates huge change — Brings New Innovations.

You know that Change is a slow and continuous process.

Now observe this 1.5% in your daily routine. If you work 1.5 minutes every day for a whole year then it means 547.5 minutes a year and this will create a huge change. Now these minutes when accumulated creates the difference between the pass or fail, great or average, mediocre or successful.

Change and creating real difference is the result of small steps. Achieving goals is the results of small steps you take everyday. Every big achievement is the result of small adjustments that you make everyday.

As quoted: “The man who removes a mountain, begins by taking away small stones.

Now there is one thing that holds us back and this is the greatest weakness of human, IMPATIENCE. We want change, we want improvement, we want to succeed but in the fastest possible way. We want to achieve our goals in a hurry and you know that HURRY MAKES WORRIES. Impatience habit gives us nothing but worries and distractions from our small positive improvement towards our goals.

When we want a change, when we want to improve our life, we consider it a big, huge, mysterious thing but it is only 1.5% little adjustments. You want to become a good reader — reading few pages every day. You want to become a writer — write few sentences every day. You want to invent, to innovate, to discover — all it needs small improvements every day.

You want to reach the moon — so don’t see the moon but focus on the staircase in front of you.

You have a big goal and it can only — only be accomplished by achieving your small goals every day.

You want to change a habit — It needs little by little improvements.

Little by little — small changes become BIG.

Consistent Actions become Habits.

To become successful at anything — in any field of life — you need consistent — little by little improvement — not big leaps. You don’t need to hurry the process — you don’t need to rush to through the process — you only need small adjustments every day — you need to learn through the process.

When you want to accomplish something big — then it seems huge — it seems impossible or much difficult to achieve at first sight — but when you focus only on the next step that you need to take — then the next step — then the next step — then by this continuous improvements step by step — you will achieve your goals — you will accomplish that big thing. So you need to only focus on the next step and not on the whole staircase.

As quoted: “it is the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen”.

“Take small steps every day and one day you will get there”.

“It does not depend how slowly you go — as long as you don’t stop” — Confucius

Journey of thousand miles begins with the first step.

Most of us complain that we have no opportunities available. We don’t know what to do. We have no idea that how to accomplish that task. But answer to all these questions or shit complains is that you don’t take the first step. You should know that first step is the must step.

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. Tony Robbins

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The first step is you have to say that you can. Will Smith

So take the first necessary step and start the journey — put the gear on — make small improvements every day — take small steps — focus on the next step — don’t worry about the goal or destination — don’t focus on the whole staircase — be patient — enjoy the process — don’t rush the process -



Opportunities will uncover — Path will start becoming more visible — Steps will be more clear



You will win the process — You will win the life — You will win the Happiness — You will be successful.

