Medium MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Publication!

Learn To Be Your Own Motivation!

Deon Christie
Motivational Hotspot Space (DCM)


Medium Non-Members Can Read The Full Story HERE!

writing for the motivational hotspot space publicationon medium
The image was designed with Canva by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

EDITOR NOTE TO THE READER: To avoid misunderstanding. You might find some of the content similar to other related posts (Writing for my Medium Publications). But these posts are created primarily for the Medium publications where I am the editor. It gets linked to the navigation “write for us”. Because that is the purpose of this article and related ones. To guide you on how to become a writer for each Medium Publication I own.

Below is a list of the 7 (similar) articles to this one as mentioned in the “Editor Note To The Reader” above. These articles are all aimed at guiding you on how to become a writer for each individual Medium Publication. Hope to see you there.

The requirements to become a writer on these Medium publications are all rather similar, but each post is dedicated to and mentions just one publication in each post. Along with some other minor changes.

What You Will Learn From This Article.

Introduction to Motivational Hotspot Space.

Meet the editor of Startup Life Guide.

Preferences for Motivational Hotspot Space.

Conduct and Content that will NOT be tolerated.

Motivational Hotspot Space and their writers.

Get approved as a writer for Motivational Hotspot Space.

Introduction To Motivational Hotspot Space.

Welcome to MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space, one of eight Medium Publications owned by Deon Christie. All eight Medium Publications will provide you with a treasure chest of information on several topics.

When you’re chasing your dreams, sometimes you just need that motivational push. That is precisely what MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space is all about. The motivation and inspiration you need to push through failure and disappointment.

MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space Publication on Medium is also a means of learning from provided content by top writers. Basically, it will teach you how to get through those days when you really feel like life has won.

The writing is just another fun part of MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space. The 8 Medium Publications owned by Deon Christie (Thus Far) you might want to check out are.

WRITING Solutions.








You are more than welcome to apply as a writer for any of these Medium Publications, (WRITING Solutions, MAKING MONEY Writing, DIGITAL MARKETING Writers, WORK FROM HOME Junkie, CONTENT MARKETING Strategies, SOCIAL MEDIA Education, STARTUP LIFE Guide, and MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space) but please comply with the requirements.

Judging by the current growth rate (based on topic targeting), we will soon have a lot of daily posts to approve. Complying with the requirements makes our job a little easier, but it also means more traffic to your posts faster.

The MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space Publication was started on December 11, 2022 (Around 07:00 AM Pacific Standard Time) by Deon Christie. Chief Editor of all seven Medium Publications mentioned above.

The editor of these seven Medium Publications is also an approved writer with several other Medium Publications. A well-known and respected writer, Dr Mehmet Yildiz is a chief editor for most of these Medium Publications.


Reader’s Hope.


ILLUMINATION Videos and podcasts.



The Writing Cooperative.



New Writers Welcome.

The Side Hustle Club.

Meet The Editor Of Motivational Hotspot Space.

MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space writer and editor have over a decade’s experience (around 12 years) in digital and affiliate marketing. From writing to blogging, networking, and YouTube videos.

Link indexing, (even indexing affiliate links) affiliate marketing and SEO. Content marketing strategies aimed at a single primary goal. Putting several content marketing strategies in place to drive traffic.

eBook and article writing and publishing. Website designing, bridge pages, email lists, viral email lists, and much more. With MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space, the primary aim is to provide value in the form of inspiration and motivational messages.

In order to be approved and accepted as a writer with MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space, your content must be of an inspirational and motivational nature. Different motivational thoughts for different purposes.

Quite a broad topic though. (MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space). From inspiration to motivation. Success stories, and stories of how people got started. The failure, the desperation and even depression. But we will get to the kind of content we are looking for in MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space.

motivational hotspot space publication on medium
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

The editor of MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space is a bit of a research junkie and started the Publication to be focusing primarily on motivation and inspiration. Because s.

FROM THE EDITOR: “I might not be Verry Good at Many Things in Life but Coming Up With Ideas is Not One of Them. I am a content creator, not a “Guru”, an online Explorer, rather than an “Expert”. Too much of that going around these days. I merely failed enough times and gathered the knowledge to be able to provide you with motivation because I know the struggle is real. And life can break you sometimes!

Preferences for Motivational Hotspot Space.

We allow links to other websites in your publication, like your affiliate website, but not exceeding 4 to 5 external links. Also counting links redirecting to your other posts on Medium.

This serves only as a basic measure, there might be instances where we will make exceptions with regard to link placement in posts.

In the case of really long-form content (3000–7500 Words), we will consider allowing more links in your MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space publications. But that will be at the editor’s discretion.

All links included must redirect to a URL with information that adds value to the topic. You cannot link to a URL about house renovations on a topic about motivation and inspirational stories.

All affiliate offers must be presented through bridge pages, and/or free or hosted websites (Indexable URLs). Your post may not include affiliate offers (Raw Affiliate URLs) directly.

All posts submitted to MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space that contain websites or bridge pages redirecting to affiliate products must include an Affiliate Disclosure, as per Medium’s rules.

Below is an example of such an affiliate disclosure on one of the editors’ posts. Please don’t copy this, it serves only as a guideline, so you get a better idea of the “affiliate disclosure”.

affiliate disclosure requirement on medium
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Please read the Medium Rules and Requirements carefully, you must comply with Medium’s standards to write for MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space.

All links will be either allowed or rejected at the editor’s discretion, and no explanations will be entered. If your content does not get approved, or your request to become a writer gets delayed.

Then kindly refer back to this article and be sure to comply with all the set-out requirements herein.

Your content must solve a problem, offer motivation and provide inspiration. Perhaps offer certain advice on personal experiences when you thought life had beaten you.

We are problem solvers, not salesman. We are thinkers, and creators and our objective is to help other people achieve their goals. We are here to provide people with the motivational push to succeed in life.

Everything serves one primary purpose, to solve the readers’ problem with any motivation. Be it depression, anxiety, or any other related conditions and situations!

We prefer long-form content of 1200 to 7500 words, but we will consider short-form content (1200 words and less) when the quality is really good. Publications under 500 words will not be accepted.

To complement the audio option on Medium, we suggest content with around a 5 to 15-minute listening time.

Topics we will be considering include Motivational Stories, Inspirational Messages, Stories About Your Online Marketing Journey, Accomplishments And Achievements, Goals, and Startup Guides.

There are 6 primary requirements we will be looking at to approve your publication with MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space. Or to get accepted as a writer.

Catchy Title and Sub Title.

Presentation Image, Text To The Center.

We Appreciate Images And Illustrations.

Responsibility For Image Provenance.

Copyright, and Authenticity Responsibility.

Useful Content (Motivation, Inspiration, Advice, Experiences)

You can read more about the requirements around images in the post below. You can even pay attention to the images in the post itself to get an idea of what is required.

But please do not copy the text under the images as is. You must write your own text to comply with these illustrational requirements.

If you are a professional writer, then we do not need to educate you about writing requirements in general. Like Headings, Sub-Headings, Paragraph Length, Word Count, Sentence Length, Grammar, and Spelling.

These too play an important role in getting approved as a writer for MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space on Medium. But these are all rules and requirements you should be familiar with being a professional writer.

motivational hotspot space publication on medium
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Conduct and Content that will NOT be tolerated.

No violence, nudity, hate speech, and absolutely no religion. No posts on Bitcoin, Investment, Binary Trading, or any investment or trading-related content will not be accepted. In fact, no “off-topic” content will be considered.

MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space is a publication on Medium for professional writers and problem solvers within the niches and topics mentioned in this article. Offering valuable advice, motivation, and inspiration.

Personal details in publications like emails, phone numbers, and/or WhatsApp contacts are not allowed.

Be kind when responding to other readers, we do not tolerate rudeness in any shape or form. We are here to help each other grow, not break each other down.

Offer value in your comments and always strive to make the content better so other writers and marketers can learn. Basically, just be kind and considerate. Be nice, don’t leave an unpleasant taste.

Motivational Hotspot Space and their writers.

Complete Medium profiles, that is the most important part for any writer anyway. A professionally complete profile, bio, and about section to introduce yourself is a major requirement to write for MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space on Medium.

A professional profile on Medium requires that you complete 2 sections.

But that is all discussed in the post below where you can follow along to complete a professional profile on Medium. We want our writers to become personalities with our readers. People connect with people.

Faceless and incomplete profiles will complicate your chances of getting approved as a writer for the MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space Publication on Medium. As mentioned before, the MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space Publication on Medium is for professional writers.

Get approved as a writer for Motivational Hotspot Space.

In order to be considered to write for MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space, you need to comply with both the above-mentioned requirements (under the headers “Requirements for MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space.” and “Writers For MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space). To apply, you simply leave a comment on this post.

But you also need to follow MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space and Subscribe to the Newsletter. See below an example of a suggested comment to apply as a writer for MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space.

Apply to become a writer for “MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space” by commenting — “I Would Like To Be Approved As A Writer For MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space” on this post.

Also, include your Medium handle or username. Just as an example, Deon Christie’s (Editor) Medium “handle” or username is (@deon-christie-online). It just makes it so much easier to add you as a writer once you’re approved.

Basically, in order to become a writer for “MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space” on Medium it comes down to 3 simple steps.

Follow MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space.

Subscribe To The MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space Newsletter.

Comment With Your Medium Handle.

Those are the 3 basic steps to apply and become a writer on MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space. Along with the kind of content, quality of the content (ability to offer motivation and inspiration), and how professional and complete your Medium profile is.

That said, welcome to the “MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space” Publication on Medium!

motivational hotspot space publication on medium
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Go ahead and leave your comment after following and subscribing to the “MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space” publication Newsletter on Medium. We are looking forward to having you as one of our writers here on MOTIVATIONAL Hotspot Space.

Today all my website traffic is generated from my own efforts, efforts that I have perfected over the years that have created up to 16,364 targeted visitors per day and returned revenue in excess of (See For Yourself Inside) per month! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full money-back guarantee!

Free Stuff For My Medium Subscribers.

All new subscribers on Medium will receive 4 free gifts. 2 of my top traffic eBooks, and 2 free memberships (invitation only) for buyer traffic tools I use. Subscribe to me (Deon Christie) on Medium and your free stuff will be emailed to you asap. Medium has no affiliation, nor do they endorse the free giveaway in any way. It is my personal free giveaway to all new Medium subscribers.



Deon Christie
Motivational Hotspot Space (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.