A Quarter Century Thoughts (The Demand of a Self Revolution)

belal eid
Motivational Shit
3 min readNov 19, 2014


A conversation between the 23 me & I in my 25th birthday

I’ve always panicked to turn 25.

I don’t know why but a lot of things my mind made up made me feel that way, like: it’s the first milestone into the real life with huge responsibilities…by then i’ve to take care of my parents,OMG…I’ll be starting a new family…. & so on.

Today is the last day in the 24 years old me,I thought it will be the end of my good days, “Tomorrow is the first day in a new life with no joy,just more & more weights on my back” .Till I saw my 23 years old me thoughts popping, I actually never did a new year’s resolution or anything similar but I remember in my 23rd birthday when I demanded to change a lot in myself & that’s when the conversation started:

“25 huh?! we’ve been waiting a long time for this” 23 Me

“Bullshit,I’ve never waited for that moment maybe you did just to prove that i will be always the same no matter what, but you know what? I will prove you wrong ☺” Present Me

“Ohh I see you still have your rage on, you are just the same as I left you” 23 Me

“Hahaha this is not rage…I’m just challenging you, up to the challenge?” Present Me

“Let’s see *cough*weak man*, alright I asked you to quit smoking even if it was only 3 cigarettes a day” 23 Me

“What an easy start!” raising my head to the ceiling “I quit for 8 months now, & guess what I’m a spinning instructor now☺”

“SPINNING INSTRUCTOR???!!! that’s awesome maaaan….I always knew you have something for health & fitness but i thought you don’t have the gutts or time to do anything related because in the last few years you were a corporate slave” 23 Me

“Fuck Corporate Life” Present Me, followed by few seconds of silence… “Eh…Noooo did you quit that too?!” 23 Me with an ear to ear smile

“Wasn’t it our biggest dream? how could I ignore it!☺” I saw the respect by the 23 Me and then I proudly conitued “…and now I have my 4 *babies Geeqshop (www.geeqshop.com), Lens 42 (www.lens42.com),DonutCode (www.donutcode.com) & my very first one but it never actually launched yet Tebadel.com.”

“Daaamn, seems you went through a lot of challenges through this couple of years” 23 Me “Hell yeah…” I replied “Although I didn’t reach what i want yet and got nothing but startups in search of the success journey but I’m grateful for starting,grateful for trying and every challenge i go through i believe more in them and that I was right to quit corporate life…maybe I’m a bit broke now but I know it’s just temporary.”

“Man,I’m already proud of my future me, but…are you still bad with Time Management?!” 23 Me

“3 launched startups out of 4, instructing 3–4 spinning classes/week, regularly workout, with a fairly good social life…I’ll let you answer this yourself haha” said the arrogant me.

“What about getting in a relation & starting a new family? or you’re still Hea…….” I interrupted his words saying “No am not… I just think it’s not the right time yet ,I’m building my empire right?aren’t those your words?!, anyways I have to go now cause I have a meeting” rushed to the door.

“Wait”he said “I just want to ask you for 2 more things to do: Never stop networking and making connections it’s the most important factor to succeed & always demand more from yourself, demand more man ☺”23 Me

“Will do man” Me leaving the room.

Now I’m starting my 25th year with a positive & a brighter look to the future, more challenges, & demanding more things to change to pursue my dreams.

“Revolution begins with the self, in the self.” Toni Cade Bambara


