The most beautiful thing you can possess

Arun Kumar
Motivational Speeches
5 min readJun 1, 2021

Self-esteem is the most important thing you can have.

Low self-esteem can make it hard to feel confident and happy with yourself, or even do anything at all. It’s a vicious cycle that needs to be broken. But don’t worry! There are ways to help build your confidence and improve your self-image. You just need the right tools for the job.

Confidence is something we should all strive for in life because it will lead us down a path of success, happiness, and fulfillment. And if you want more confidence in your day-to-day life, then check out this website for tips on how to get there!

Read more to find out how to build your confidence!

How does confidence work?

We are all familiar with the concept of confidence, but what does it really mean? The term is a very broad one that can be defined in many different ways. But for the sake of our blog post, we will define it as being self-assured and confident.

If you have ever been told “You’re such a confident person!” then you know how much meaning there is behind this word. It’s not always easy to find your confidence, but once you do, life becomes so much easier.

Confidence has become something I’ve noticed more and more people talk about nowadays. You’ll hear phrases like “I’m just not feeling myself lately,” or “I don’t feel good enough,” thrown around

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova from Pexels

Have you wondered? why confidence is important?

You have to be confident in order to succeed, right? Wrong. If you are not confident then your success will only be mediocre at best. Let me explain what confidence is and why it is important for people from all walks of life. There are three key elements that make up a person’s personality: their attitude, their behavior, and the way they feel about themselves. Confidence plays a big role in each one of these aspects so understanding how you can improve your confidence should help you achieve more success in every aspect of your life.

How can you improve your confidence?

It’s so easy to feel down and discouraged when you are struggling with something. When the going gets tough, it often feels like there is no way out. But what if I told you that just a few small changes in your mindset could have an immediate impact on how you feel? The following tips can help boost your confidence levels and get you feeling more confident about yourself again.

  1. Start by telling yourself positive affirmations in the mirror every day. Things like “I am beautiful” or “I am strong.” This will help you start seeing yourself in a better light which boosts your self-confidence.
  2. Spend time with people who have a positive attitude and energy about them.
  3. Take care of your physical appearance by wearing clothes that flatter you, getting plenty of sleep, and eating healthy food when possible.
  4. Don’t take criticism personally — this is actually feedback from others so.
  5. Take care of yourself by eating well, getting enough sleep, and making time for relaxation.
  6. Make an effort with your appearance.
  7. Focus on tasks that are achievable.
  8. Stay away from negative people who might put down or criticize you.
  9. Set goals and work towards them one step at a time.
  10. Sharing your accomplishments with others is also a great way of building up self-confidence.
Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

How do you get the confidence to speak up?

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you want to speak up but can’t because of shyness? It’s really hard when you’re just too terrified to go on and say what’s on your mind. I’ve had that problem my whole life, and it wasn’t until recently that I finally got the courage to start speaking up! Let me tell you how to get the confidence to speak up about whatever is happening in your life. You’ll learn all about overcoming shyness so that nothing is holding you back from saying what needs to be said.

You can find your confidence by following these three tips:

  1. Focus on what’s good about yourself.
  2. Believe in yourself.
  3. Practice speaking up at home until it feels natural outside.

After all, nobody likes a quitter!

How to get the confidence to express yourself?

It’s hard to be confident in your abilities and express yourself fully when you’re always afraid of what others will think. Let me help with that, by giving you some tips on how to feel more comfortable expressing yourself.

  1. Have a support system- it can be difficult without anyone there to cheer you on or give you feedback, but having friends who encourage self-expression is immensely helpful. You’ll never know if they have the same opinion as someone else unless you ask them about it first!
  2. Find an outlet for creativity- being creative can be challenging sometimes, but don’t let it stop you from exploring new things occasionally. It might help take your mind off other worries and allow for more self-expression
  3. Think about what makes YOU happy and explore those things, rather than following someone else’s path, even if they seem “cooler.”
  4. Explore your feelings by writing in a journal or talking with a trusted adult.
  5. Make sure there’s at least one person who is always on your side.
  6. Find an activity where you’re able to express yourself freely.

Can I learn to be confident?

A lot of people believe that you are either born with confidence or without it. This couldn’t be more wrong! You can learn to become confident and then pass this knowledge on to your children so they can have the same opportunity.

If you’re reading this, chances are that you’ve made a mistake in the past and learned from it. Congratulations! You’re on your way to developing more self-confidence. Don’t believe me? Keep reading for some tips to help develop self-confidence by learning from your mistakes.
1. Learn how to take criticism without getting upset or defensive about what was said. This will help you improve as a person and learn things about yourself that weren’t apparent before.

2. Understand that making mistakes is part of life — there’s no shame in being wrong sometimes, just make sure not to do it too often so you don’t become known as unreliable or untrustworthy around other people (or worse!).

3. Don’t compare yourself to others — the person next to you may be dealing with much more difficult challenges than you are.

4. Be kind and understanding of others, even when they don’t deserve it because people can learn from their own mistakes too!

5. Last but not least, remember that everyone is different and there’s always something new for each person to learn about themselves or someone else.

