We are one big family - Treat people with kindness

Arun Kumar
Motivational Speeches
6 min readMay 30, 2021

Confucius was a Chinese philosopher and teacher who lived in about the fifth century BCE. His teachings formed the basis for much of Chinese thought, particularly regarding family relationships (the role of wives to husbands and children to parents), morality in government, and the promotion of justice

Confucius’ teachings were compiled into a book called “The Analects.” The Analects is one of China’s most important texts. It contains his thoughts on how people should behave towards each other. He believed that people should be kind to others because they are all part of one big family.

In order to live up to this idea, he taught that everyone should be treated with respect no matter what their social status or background may be. He also said that it is important for people not only to do what is right but also to speak out against wrongdoings when they see them happening around them. This way we can make sure that society stays fair and just for everyone involved!

Read more if you would like more information on this topic!

I believe that people should be kind to others because we are all part of one big family. It is important to treat everyone with respect and kindness, even if they have done something wrong or different from you. I think it’s really cool how everyone has the same basic needs as humans — food, water, shelter, and love — but also how we’re different in many ways too!
People should be kind to each other because of these reasons:

  1. Being kind makes them feel good about themselves
  2. Kindness can make someone else happy
  3. They might need help someday
  4. If you are being treated poorly by another person then you might want to react kindly
  5. There is no reason not to do it

I love my family and want them to be happy. It makes me sad when people don’t do nice things for other people. They’re always telling me how great it feels to do something nice or make someone’s day better. Wouldn’t you want someone else to treat you like that? Honestly, it doesn’t take much time or energy at all! I just try really hard to say something nice about somebody (usually not myself) every single day. It takes a lot less effort than complaining about everything and making everyone around us feel bad!

I’m sure most of you have had days when it feels like everything is going wrong. You get mad at yourself for forgetting to do the dishes, then you stub your toe and swear a little bit (or a lot). When life starts feeling overwhelming, it’s important to take some time to relax and take care of yourself. The easiest way I know how to do that? Make your own avocado toast! It takes less than five minutes with three ingredients: bread, avocado, and salt. So next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out give this recipe a try!

I know you’re tired. I am too. You’ve been so busy trying to fix everything that’s wrong in your life, and it just seems like there’s never enough time or energy. But it turns out that the answer was right in front of us this whole time: we need to stop focusing on making things better and start living more simply instead. There are some great benefits to simplifying our lives — less stress, less complication, more free time — but the best one is that we’ll be able to enjoy what we have now a lot more than before. Simplifying doesn’t mean giving up anything; it means deciding what really matters most and then spending as much of our energy as possible on those things because they’re worth it.

Do you ever feel like just giving up? Giving in to the idea that life is too complicated, and you are going to give in anyway. I am here to tell you that this is not true, and it never has been. Simplifying doesn’t mean giving anything up. It means the release of tension from your mental state which will free up a lot of energy for you to enjoy what’s around you- no matter how simple or complex it may be. You can simplify your life while still maintaining everything important to you by taking some time each day for yourself or with loved ones. Sometimes all we need are a few minutes out of our busy lives and one good breath before realizing how much more there is than what we had originally thought!

We all want to feel good about ourselves, and sometimes we don’t know-how. Sometimes it’s hard to see the things that make us special or unique. There are so many people in this world, all with their own opinions of themselves and others. It can be tough for anyone to find a sense of worth when they’re surrounded by negativity from people around them. But one thing that helps is being kinder to those around you which will help them feel better about themselves as well!

“How’s your day going?” is a question you might hear from a friend, coworker, or even stranger. When asked this question, it can be hard to know how to respond. The truth is that not everyone has had an easy life and so they may need help one day. If you want to do something as simple as “be there” for someone who needs it, here are some ways: -Offer them a ride if they don’t have transportation (or car) available; -Help them with their groceries or choose items from the store that they like; or just listen when they need someone to talk with about what’s bothering them. This could make all the difference in their world!

If you are being treated poorly by another person then react kindly. This is a difficult thing to do, but it can be done. It’s not easy to ignore the insults and putdowns that come from someone who is mean or angry. We often want to take the abuse personally and respond in kind with our own anger or need for revenge. However, this usually only leads to more conflict and further alienation of a relationship that may have been salvageable otherwise.

Many of us have grown up with a sense of how our family is different from others. There are families that seem to always be happy, there are families that do not talk, and then there are ones who dress their best every day. The truth is that all of these can be considered normal because we all come from different backgrounds and cultures. However, what does connect them all is the love they feel for one another and the memories they share together. No matter what your family looks like or how it operates, you should never forget to appreciate those around you!

In a society where we are constantly being told to be strong and self-sufficient, it can get lonely. We have all been in the position of feeling like no one understands us or wants our company. However, there is always someone out there who will want to hear from you. Reach out to them with this blog post as your guide!

There are many ways you can get involved with community service work. You can volunteer your time at your local soup kitchen or homeless shelter, visit someone who is homebound and provide company for them, or donate money to one of the many charities that exist all around us. The opportunities are endless!
One thing I always try to do during this holiday season is giving back as much as possible. One way I like to help out is by donating some money to charity organizations that are close by my house on Christmas Eve morning so they will have funds available when they open their doors later in the day.

As parents, we are always looking for ways to make our little ones feel loved and cared for. The best way to do this is by having quality time with them every day. One of the best ways you can spend quality time with your child is by chatting with them about their day or what they did during the day. This will not only help you get to know more about your child but it will also show them that they have someone who loves and cares about everything they do in life.
So don’t forget to chat with your little one every day!

The family unit is a very important thing to many people and it’s what sets us apart from other animals. The love, support, and comfort that you get from your family can be irreplaceable.

