How can we improve the Conversation generosity through the best practices?

Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2023


Which person in the conversation does the most talking and which person is the most successful?

The person who does the most talking and the person who is the most successful are rarely the same person. The more successful a person the more he practices conversation generosity, that is he encourages the other person to talk about himself, his views, his accomplishments, his family, his jobs, and his problems.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

From Thirukural (Tamil literature)

அரும்பயன் ஆயும் அறிவினார் சொல்லார்
பெரும்பயன் இல்லாத சொல்.

The wise who weigh the worth of every utterance,
Speak none but words of deep significance.

The wise who seek after rare pleasures will not speak words that have not much weight in them.

In two key areas of conversation generosity unlocks the path to higher success:

  1. It wins friends
  2. It helps you learn more about people.

The average person would rather talk about himself than anything else in this world. When you give him the chance, he likes you for it.

Conversation generosity is the easiest, simplest and surest way there is to win a friend.




NLP practitioner , I help youngsters to achieve their goals so that they can experience progress and more fulfilment without the need for trial and error.