Ask Another Question

Glenn Killey
5 min readNov 6, 2017

There are times when I write a piece like this and I know, from the beginning, it will be meant for

The best way I can put it is that my “day job” is to help people unlock themselves. Each day I meet wonderful people, from vastly different backgrounds, with incredibly different experiences. The one thing they all have in common? They doubt themselves.

My purpose for creating was to speak directly to these kindred spirits. to tell them that they are not alone, that we all question ourselves, we all doubt. However, I bring a message of hope. An elixir that cures the fear, solves the heartache, and quells the doubt. You are amazing.

You just don’t know it, and I will have to keep talking, and keep writing until you believe me. That, my friends is

This however, is not about you. See, I have boundless faith in you. I do not question you. I believe in you. I just have questions of my own.

Questions about faith, love, soul, purpose, wisdom, creation, meaning, and the list goes on. Like a modern teenage girl, obsessed with a musical, the singing is endless. With me though it comes in the form of fragments, questions, partial understanding, and fleeting glimpses at the greatness all around us.

For this reason I have created The Recondite Raconteur. A home where story telling can occasionally blunder into wisdom, creating in the rubble, a moment of absolute truth. See my friends, I believe in humanity. I believe that we are the key to unlocking the greatest secrets of the universe. I believe there is an incredible power inside each of us, but few ever notice.

How long are we here?!

If I am lucky, I will live to 90. I am 41 now. That means I have 49 years left to discover the unbridled secrets of the cosmos and help as many other people as I can along the way. Not much time.

So this forum is a safe place for us to ask the BIG questions. The ones that matter. Ten years from now we may have 400,000 people reading this page, or we may have 4. No matter. We are here to ask the questions and speak our truth.

So tonight I will start with a small story and a question:

Outside of every housing development is a main road. This road generally has, among other stops, a number of gas stations. I myself do not stop at chains when I can help it.

Rick is a friend of mine, he is now, I have known him long enough. Rick owns the gas station at the corner of my neighborhood. Its a bit untidy, not as polished as the chains. There are two chains just one block further down, but I go to Rick. Rick is in his store every morning. Every Morning. This matters to him. I can tell, that is why I go.

So we talk, mostly about nothing. Does this happen to you? How often do you have slight conversations, polite as they are, about nothing, with people you see quite often?

Well Rick and I talk about the weather, about my job, about the fact that he has not seen me for a few days. He says one thing, I respond, we laugh, end of transaction.

I have known Rick for 7 years and do not know his last name.

Today I decided, enough was enough. He said hello and waived when I came in, as usual. When I got to the counter he commented about the cold. I said, without caring or thinking, that it must keep business down. He said it does. Normally that would be the end. I would pay and leave. Not today. Not ever again.

I ask the next question. Do you ever ask the next question? My guess is no, and that is OK, but imagine what would happen if you did. Where would it take you?

I ask Rick, why does the cold affect business. He responded that it does not slow down gas at all but no one wants to come in for drinks and snacks. OK, I ask the next question. Why is that a problem?

Rick tells me that they only way he makes any money is on the drinks and snacks. He looses money on Gas. What? Really? Yes, he goes on to say that his price right now is $2.07 a gallon and he charges $2.09. The two chains down the street are both at $1.99. Because he is an independent, he is forced to buy from a middle man while the chains have their own supply. They can take a loss on gas to get you to buy a twinkie and a coke. Rick can’t compete.

It isn’t however about what he said. The treasure is in the fact that he spoke to me as a friend. He opened up to me and we spoke, truly spoke to each other. For the first time in 7 years, Humanity kicked in and we both felt it.

Why do I say all of this? I do not know yet, I’m working on it. I am sure of one thing though. That itch, that nagging voice in the back of your head that says “There is more to life than what you are doing”. That voice is right. Humanity is the key.

I have a million questions, come on the journey. Let us explore the wild and outrageous. The Mundane and Ordinary. The secret lies in all of it, when we see it together.



Dallas, TX 11/1/2017

The Midnight Sessions

