Avoir De La Veine

Glenn Killey
3 min readOct 21, 2016

I want to thank you for joining me on the journey. This blog is about changing the way we think, the way we approach new ideas, and the way we start to reevaluate what isn’t working in our lives and just decide to make a change.

Now you will surely come to know that I am not perfect. I do not know everything and can trip and fall everyday. But the nice thing ( It brings me peace , at least ) is that I have learned to embrace this truth. When I was younger I had much more ego, or at least what ego I had could be bruised very easily. I hated to fail, I didn’t like to be corrected, and getting out of my comfort zone was just not something I was very willing to try.

Age, success, failure, kids, and life lessons changes a man for the better and now I don’t worry about what I don’t know, I embrace it. I just changed the entire way I think and now actively look for what I do not know, what I am uncomfortable with, or what may challenge me. I head in that direction. I want to get better, and that is what this blog is about. You may learn from me but I want to learn from you as well.

As I sit in my office this morning I just had a conversation with a colleague of mine. Someone I coach and train and someone who constantly makes me think in return. I love his attitude. He is one of the most positive people I know. Today however we did not see eye to eye, which is not to say we argued but just had a difference of opinion. Truth be told he didn’t even know that when he left my office, he just got me to thinking, and I realized I didn’t agree.

We were speaking about luck. He brought it up in a casual way. He said that “Maybe he would get lucky today”

Now I am a superstitious guy, not in a serious way, just for fun, but I do have my quirks. I always put on my left shoe first. I have no idea where this started but I have done it my whole life. Sitting on my desk is a large wooden Buddha, I rub his belly every time I enter and exit the office. I don’t think these actions do anything for me, they just comfort me in a way that I can’t explain. But I know I do not do them for luck.

There is no such think as luck.

Opportunity is a different word. Opportunity does come at random sometimes but more often than not it is the result of specific action and just plain hard work.

What would it take for my friend to feel like he had “gotten lucky” today? A new client? I happen to know that is what he wants. But why leave that up to luck?

He is smart, talented, and good at his job. But sits by the phone waiting for luck.

I do not believe in a predesignated world. I do not believe that if you were meant to be successful that it will happen and if you were not then it won’t. Rubbish.

The only luck my friend needs is belief in himself and to get off his rump and hustle. The harder you work the more opportunity you will have. Luck has nothing to do with it.

I believe in magic, and love, and opportunity. I believe that a good hearted man with a passion can become a success at anything, and that a smart, confident lady will change the world. I believe in baseball, flowers for no reason, and good manners.

BUT I refuse to believe in luck. For that I will just get back to work.




