The Phoenix: Is It You?

Glenn Killey
3 min readOct 23, 2016

The Phoenix:

A mythical bird of great beauty fabled to live 500 or 600 years in the Arabian

wilderness, to burn itself on a funeral pyre, and to rise from its ashes in the freshness

of youth and live through another cycle of years: often an emblem of immortality or of reborn idealism.

Hello, I want to welcome you to where I will attempt to change your perspective and unlock your inner potential. Of course, truth be told, I cannot do any of that. You will have to. I am here to share stories, success, and failures, and help you to think differently. But more on that later.

You see, I consider myself to be a bit of the Phoenix, but it sure wasn’t always that way. If we all have a spirit animal, for most of my life I was the fox. Maybe a bit sly and smart but never really getting ahead. Treading water. I spent 15 years working in an industry I didn’t like, ( Retail, find me one person who loves that industry and I will show you a saint ) Like most people I thought completely wrong. I worked hard, wanted to be the very best I could and each step of the way, as I would get promoted, I thought “Well this is what will make me happy” “This title, or raise, or new position is just what I wanted. This will make me happy”

Well I am sure you can already tell, that was never going to work. I was going to a job every day that was not fulfilling, did not challenge me to grow, and overtime I came to resent it.

I remember quite clearly, stuck for two weeks in a hotel room in Kittery, Maine. I was the “Go To” guy in my company when we had a manager unexpectedly leave, so I was sent all over the country on a regular basis to fill in and take over until the ship could be righted. Did I mention this particular time was in November? Dark at 4pm, terrible hotel, 10 Hr work days. I had a bit of a breakdown in that hotel room. My daughter at the time was 5 going on 6 and I just wasn’t there most of the time. Since the day she was born we were a team, pees in a pod, Daddy and Bean. And I was gone, for longer and longer. I will tell you it is a gut wrenching feeling when you are calling your daughter to tuck her into bed at night instead of being there.

So I broke down. I had enough and finally decided to stop being scared and change my life.

For me that change was Real Estate. I flew home, quit my job the next day, and the day after that enrolled in Real Estate school. Naive with a chip on my shoulder I never even thought I couldn’t make it. Dumb luck, hard work, and a whole lot of imagination and now it is 10 years later.

Like the Phoenix I rose from the ashes of my miserable life and reinvented myself. Real Estate, betting on myself, and intentionally thinking differently than all the others gave me the life I wanted. I could see my girl every night. I became a huge success, selling millions and millions of dollars worth of real estate each year and more importantly creating a genuine connection and friendship with my clients.

Now it is 10 years later and I teach Real Estate all over the state of Texas, I am a nationally recognized Motivational Speaker, and more importantly…..I am the happiest I have ever been.

All of this happened because I had, had enough. I could not take my mediocre life anymore and I decided to bet on myself. You are the best investment you will ever make.

So my spirit animal is now the Phoenix and I challenge you to find yours. This is a blog where we will chat, share ideas, think FAR outside the box, challenge everything we think we know, and as Seth Godin would say “Find our Purple Cow”

Come with me on this journey and together we can IGNITE your motivation.

Glenn Killey

Live Oak, TX

