How do we apply Self-Motivation in the Workplace

People work for many reasons and with this idea in mind, they are self-motivated in their own unique ways. Self-motivation is a key aspect in succeeding in any workplace situation or environment. It is essential to be self-motivated in order to perform your best and obtain a positive result from your actions. The workplace is the highlight of most of an individuals day and this is where we are given various tasks to execute. However, what drives us to have the ability to wake up at 7 in the morning and take that 30 minute to an hour commute to work? Well that is essentially a really good question.

For a long period of time, accumulating a large fortune has been the main, self-motivational factor towards how we work and our efforts to being 100% committed to what we do. However, society today has evolved in which many more factors have played a large role in pushing an individual to thrive in the workplace. Many of us have a desire to work for the expansion and application of an individual’s experiences and skills. Being a well-rounded individual is ideal, however, difficult for any of us to accomplish and by gaining new experiences, we increase our understanding of our abilities and learn to harness our previous experiences in it’s reasonably applied setting.

People should simply be self-motivated to help the betterment of a company’s initiatives. We should always aim to presenting ourselves in a positive way and make sure that the work we do is up to par. We are given an opportunity to be paid to work, so shouldn’t we at least make sure that we are being paid justifiably? Money doesn’t buy us happiness but rather it is the connections, experiences, and our passion for what we do. These are all personal motivation aspects towards success in the workplace.

A recent study conducted by a student from the British University at Dubai had discovered a correlation between self-motivation and business productivity.

Employees self-motivation to perform their daily duties was determined by several factors that was proven to be consistent across the entire company. It was concluded that the higher the incentives were for being motivated ultimately affected their performance and thus influenced the businesses productivity and output.

No matter where we work, we should always be performing at our best and focus on improving our workplace. An individuals own drive is what makes us stand out whether it is proposing new ideas, working extra hours, or work during holidays; we should always be optimistic to these ideas because it shows a lot about our character and our willingness to grow.

To learn more about the study and its finding click the link below:

Jasmi, S. A. (2012, March). A Study on Employees Work Motivation and its Effect on their Performance and Business Productivity. Retrieved September 25, 2017, from



Self-Motivation: The Need, the Desire, the Success

There's a "u" in "you". All you need to be at your best and succeed is yourself. I hope to share some of my experiences and beliefs on Self-Motivation.