Self-Motivation, A Classmates Perspective & Reflection

Self-Motivation has been a phenomenal soft skill that has been applied to my academic and social situations. I have been using various steps to improve on it and make it become a significant role in my day-to-day activities. The main self-motivating factor, for me, is my love for helping people and my desire to make a difference in my future endeavors.

Becoming a philanthropist has been a dream of mine for a long time

Being able to contribute your success for the betterment of society and the world is an extremely great feeling. The idea of getting to that point in my life is something that will drive me to work hard and make it a reality.

I had recently overviewed another classmates blog on their ideas of self-motivation and it was in fact very similar to my beliefs. Jessica Ma, a student that is currently taking the same course as I am, had made a post on her experiences on self-motivation during the time frame of this assignment. Her main idea is that “our self-motivation largely depends on the circumstances we put ourselves in”. Her takeaway from mastering self-motivation has developed tremendously and her ideas are extremely relevant to others. I agree completely that the situations we put ourselves is significant to how we tackle these problems.

I also enjoyed reading her ideas on goals and how they are necessary in order to create self-motivation and accurately use it to its potential.

People are always making decisions on a daily basis, and how we make these decisions are ultimately brought down to the important question which is:

Why you should we choose this over that?

We need to discover what it is that allows us to become better individuals and learn the right ways to stand by our decisions. Over the course of 2 weeks, I have become more intrigued by self-motivation and its applications. So many successful entrepreneurs, businessmen/women, and employees used their own reasons to discover their purpose in life.

I truly hope to continue learning about the skill and write more about my success as time progresses. Self-motivation defines who I am and what I will become.

More about the blog that I mentioned earlier is listed below:



Self-Motivation: The Need, the Desire, the Success

There's a "u" in "you". All you need to be at your best and succeed is yourself. I hope to share some of my experiences and beliefs on Self-Motivation.