Code Crusaders: The Trailblazers Who Shaped Our Digital World

Evergreen Technologies
12 min readApr 23, 2023


The world of computer programming is home to countless trailblazers who have had a profound impact on the technology landscape. These code crusaders, through their sheer skill and determination, have revolutionized the industry and transformed the way we interact with technology today. This blog pays tribute to eight of the most badass computer programmers, delving into their backgrounds, groundbreaking inventions, and the lasting legacy they have left on the programming world.

Guido van Rossum: The Python Whisperer

Guido van Rossum. Image source: Doc Searls, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Guido van Rossum, born in Haarlem, Netherlands, in 1956, is the creator of the Python programming language. Van Rossum studied mathematics and computer science at the University of Amsterdam, earning his master’s degree in 1982. After completing his studies, he joined the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), a research institute in the Netherlands.

In December 1989, during the Christmas holidays, van Rossum decided to work on a programming project as a hobby. He aimed to create a scripting language that would be easy to read, write, and maintain, combining the best features of existing languages like ABC and…



Evergreen Technologies

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