MOTIV: The Education Industry

Let’s look at the education industry as a whole in this article

MOTIV Protocol
3 min readApr 20, 2021


The MOTIV Protocol is an educational and decentralized identification platform that provides educational information equally to students, parents, academy managers, and advertisers using blockchain technology in the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The MOTIV Protocol guarantees reliable security for its users and promises to work tirelessly to offer new solutions for the education field in the digital age.

Welcome to the MOTIV Protocol! In today’s post, we want to discuss the education industry as a whole, and how it’s changing in the face of the ongoing transition during the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The MOTIV Protocol is consistently observing the new opportunities appearing in this era in order to establish a new path for education so that it can prosper.

Education Industry

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF, 2016), the Fourth Industrial Revolution has been defined as a collective social convergence with a dissolution of boundaries between physical, digital, and biological spaces, based on digital revolutions. Through the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which began in 2010, attempts have been made to move everything from the real world to the digital world. Furthermore, as cyber-physical systems connecting the digital and physical worlds in real-time become a reality, many changes have been made in all industries.

These changes have not just occurred in the science and technology sectors. We’re also seeing changes to the educational environment, the structure of the industry, and even the job landscape. Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum, advocated for the concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. During his visit to Korea in October 2016, he said, “Learning requires personalized education through a system and is a lifelong activity.” Sal Khan, the founder of Khan Academy, which has drawn attention as an innovative school in the U.S., said in a question-and-answer interview with the knowledge-sharing platform Quora in February 2017, “Today, the world needs creative, curious and self-directed talent to realize outstanding ideas.”

Many experts say that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is transforming the education industry. In fact, the evolution of the education industry has already begun, and to survive, a preemptive response to global innovation trends is needed. Opportunities for innovation in the education industry will expand with device diversification, technological advances, and huge changes in consumer demand.

Education Industry Integration Platform

Based on the intelligence and connectivity of the education industry, the boundaries between existing industries and future industries will be broken. Seemingly unrelated technologies will be integrated, and the increasingly blurry convergence between objects and humans will be accelerated. The MOTIV Protocol will reflect this trend, starting with certificate management app services, and gaining recognition in the future education industry as well as in the job market.

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MOTIV Protocol

To Achieve a Better Education System with Blockchain Technology