Okinawan Samurai

In Okinawa, samurai were called samurē.

Motobu Naoki
Motobu-ryu Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2023


Recently (2020), there was a discussion on Facebook about Okinawan samurai (士, samurē in Okinawan dialect). Samurē means shizoku (士族, literally, the samurai class). The Encyclopedia of Okinawa (II) (1983) has the following explanation in its article on shizoku.

A term indicating the ruling status in the early modern period [in Okinawa]. Originally, however, the word
samurē was used in common usage, and was also called yukattu and keimochi, meaning “having a genealogy.” The term shizoku was adopted by



Motobu Naoki
Motobu-ryu Blog

Shihan, Motobu Kenpō 7th dan, Motobu Udundī 7th dan. Discusses the history of karate and martial arts, and introduces Japanese culture and history.