Motorbiking in India? Does an old perception still haunt?

Curious Reads
4 min readOct 18, 2018


Motorbiking in India has grown tremendously over recent years, its rapid growth has made the Indian Market the largest Two-Wheeler Industry in World(fact).

The Motorbiking industry has grown tremendously YoY even though the taxes imposed on the industry are supremely high.

The Indian Auto Sector is cementing itself as one of the favorite destinations for all motorbike companies to showcase/launch their products on a global scale, for many companies,India is developing into a prolific auto Manufacturing hub of the future.

Both Motorcycles and Scooters are witnessing an increase in sales numbers even though the petrol cost is on the rise, everything looks rosy right now, or is there an underlying issue surfacing here, we think there might be,
what is it you may ask,

We believe it’s the age-old perception that relates to the dangers associated with motorcycling,
One can argue here that the sales are fantastic, India is the largest two-wheeler industry in the world in terms of volume, and the major players are doing well,

So what is the issue here, why is this perception so relevant, and why do we need to bother about it?
After a lot of thought, I think we need to be bothered by it, well by we, I am talking about the passionate MotoNuts like me who love Motorcycling, the people who believe the Industry to needs to evolve, not just in terms of numbers, we also need to evolve in terms of our age-old perceptions about motorcycling.
A lot of preconceived notions have been “ingrained in our Minds”(Did I just say the magic words) about motorcycles since childhood.,
What Notions??

Is it fear?? Let me explain. Hmm
To understand this issue, it’s important to know what happened, and why the fear:
The Perception begins: Let’s start from the ‘90s,
Why 90’s, cause before the Nineties (’50s to ’80s) we barely opened our Markets to the world, motorbiking was an expensive affair, and few well-to-do people could afford them.

In the nineties, when we opened the gates to the international market, we were reintroduced to motorcycles as an affordable means of transport that you can use, especially directed towards youth (Gender biased focus, Males to be more Specific), to date a girl, do stunts with friends, commute daily,& ride as rash as possible on the road.

In the media, a lot of people were shown riding Motorcycles recklessly, becoming a nuisance for others around,(BTW we still do that).

With this hooliganism on show, the motorcycle riders in those days were perceived as hooligans who ride recklessly, disregarded traffic rules, & create menace on the road, frequent motorcycle accidents did not help the case either. A Motorcycle became such a devil’s machine in the eyes of people.

Generalization of motorcycle riders became simple, if a person is a bike rider, He or She was declared a menace, and their motorcycle was declared as a killing machine like the Terminator (Fantastic Movie btw).
The consistent negative image of a Rider which was projected everywhere in society as well as in the media slowly crept into the minds of the majority of people.

Enough of this negativity, we need to change and be mature about it.
Many people argue this old perception has already begun to evolve, the motorcycling industry has advanced so much over the years, we have groups and brands promoting safe Riding now, and a lot of people are aware of the dangers of road rage, and they follow the traffic rules(yeah right), riders explore, take adventure trips across the country, in some cases the world.
All of it might be true to an extent, no one can argue the fact that we are a growing Industry, and people are much more aware, but let me tell you all, there is a bad image of a Motorcycle rider still prevalent in many places in our country and that perception is affecting the sales and growth of the sector?
Then begs the question: let’s be mature about it and change it for good.
First, let’s bury the Issue: motorcycle riders are Mad People With killing machines in their Hands?

A small group of irresponsible dweebs who ride atrociously on the road, should not represent the growing tribe of sane riders, who ride their machines safely, wear protective gear, abide by the traffic rules and ride cautiously on the road.

Many people need to be mature enough to realize the importance of a machine, you have put your heart & soul into them, and as an ever-growing tribe of riders, enjoy the purity of riding rather than indulging in unruly practices that might make the perception of Motorbike rider even worse than it is now.

Conquer the fear, be mature and live a Moto life.
If this feeling of perceived fear can change over time, the behemoth that is the Two Wheeler Industry would grow another 10-fold what it is growing currently.

All the passionate riders who want the industry to take off, need to take responsibility, educate others, make them feel responsible towards the road, provide them with the best products, helpful tips, and interesting Services, and show them the wonders & pure joy that comes from riding slash exploring their Motorcycles.

This will help uproot the inherent fear of danger associated with motorcycles in minds of people.

Let’s take a pledge and make it happen.
Closing thoughts: let’s end it on a poetic note.
India is one of the most beautiful countries in the World, filled with some of the most breathtaking landscapes and Motorbike routes.

A Small Thought to Ponder
What do you think? Will the perception remain the same or do you think it will change in the years to come?
Tell us what you think in the comment section below,

Ride Safe, Always wear your Protective Gear, Ride



Curious Reads

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