Psychcle Quote

Curious Reads
Published in
1 min readApr 4, 2019

If you talk to your father or mother and ask them ‘FROM WHERE DID YOU READ QUOTES IN YOUR TIME?’, the only reason they will give you is ‘Books’.
Yes, books were the best option in that era, yet the major quotes people could hear were from … DISCUSSIONS.

It’s never an uncommon scene of people huddled at a tea shop and vociferously discussing a random topic that they could think about, most of the quotes used to come up from there.

Now, it’s a different ballgame. The discussion has shifted from face-to-face to ‘handle’ to ‘handle’, physical presence has been limited to just ‘ instapics’. In the middle of all of this lie sites like Tumblr and Pinterest, which are spreading good quality quotes for millennials to read.

Taking a leaf from their bushes, we at have created our own line of quotes, here are some quotes that evoke the idea of motorcycling in our passionate rider’s mind.

Don’t be afraid to Live or Die, Let’s go for a ride.
It reminds me of the good old ‘Easy Rider’ days when it was freedom and rebellion to ride a motorcycle.
Motorcycle and the Green Light.

That’s the essential moment for a rider, The Anticipation, The Throttle, and The Release of Power. Truly Ignites your Psyche.
‘Ride until your mind decides’.
Decide what you want to ignite your motopsyche & go for a Ride, you won’t regret it.

Ride Safe, Always wear your Protective Gear and Ride Everywhere



Curious Reads

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