Closer To Reality With $1M in Support

Museum Of Underwater Art


Industry leaders are awaiting the feasibility report by international artist, Jason deCaires Taylor on his scoping visit to North Queensland to create a Great Barrier Reef Museum of Underwater Art off the coast of Townsville.

More than $1,000,000 in local corporate cash and contra donations have been confirmed including $200,000 from the SeaLink Travel Group, $200,000 from the Morris Family Foundation and $200,000 from the Gleeson family, owners of the King St precinct. Pacific Marine Group have confirmed $50,000 and the Fleming family who have operated in the tourism industry for more than 20 years and operate Bungalow Bay on Magnetic Island, have pledged $15,000.

The State Government has committed to a $2M contribution to commence the project.

The Museum of Underwater Art would be the first of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere and on a scale that would significantly expand the City and region tourism offering and would help support Queensland’s visitor attraction strategy. The Museum of Underwater Art will strengthen the region’s educational tourism offering across Queensland.

The project team led by SeaLink Queensland, Reef Ecologic, Townsville City Council, Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council, James Cook University and Townsville Enterprise, announce the sites identified by the artist as providing the best setting for the underwater art installations are:

  • Geoffrey Bay, on Magnetic Island;
  • The northern aspect of Coolgaree Bay on Palm Island;
  • The northern reaches of John Brewer Reef in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park;
  • The Strand was also nominated but a final position would be worked with Townsville City Council;
  • The Burdekin Shire Council put a strong case forward for further sites in and around the Yongala dive site to be considered;

Both underwater and inter tidal installations are being considered and discussions continue with Traditional Owners, Councils and Marine Park managers on the suitability of these sites.

Initial estimates of the Economic Impact of the project are that the Museum would drive a $40M expansion of the local tourism economy if it gets the green light as well as provide potentially hundreds of millions of dollars of regional public relations value. Boosts to accommodation, transport and hospitality businesses in Townsville are key benefits to the region from this project.

The Queens Hotel Site has been scoped and chosen as the base for the project. Jason deCaires Taylor would establish an arts business and operation from the old channel 10 studio site at the rear of the Queens Hotel with proposed Gallery and Workshop space for visitors / community groups and artists. The Gleeson Family through the Hive development will come on as a major sponsor with a commitment of $200,000 over two years.

On securing of the State Government funding and signing the Artist, Townsville Enterprise’s Emerging Leaders will launch a Community Engagement Strategy to raise $1m in community donations. The community engagement strategy will provide opportunity for schools, community groups and local residents to see the project coming together at Queens Hotel in the City.

Permit applications will be lodged with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority as soon as funding has been secured.

Dr Paul Marshall, Director of Reef Ecologic, and former Director of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority has indicated, ‘The Great Barrier Reef Museum of Underwater Art project is an exciting opportunity for Townsville, the Great Barrier Reef, and all of Australia. It brings together world-leading art, science and environmental capabilities to create a whole new suite of options for locals and tourists to connect with the Great Barrier Reef. We are looking forward to Jason’s full concept proposal, and then working with local businesses, government and the artist to turn this into a major Great Barrier Reef educational opportunity.’

The underwater art museum is forecast to bring significant regional tourism benefit. Townsville Enterprise Director and Regional General Manager for the SeaLink Travel Group, Paul Victory, said he is very pleased with the community and industry response to these discussions. ‘Everyone we have spoken with about Jason’s proposal is extremely positive about the potential and with the right momentum it will be transformational for our City’s tourism offering. I have been extremely pleased with the local corporate investment but more financial commitments are required to ensure we can bring this project to Townsville. Securing our local State Government support is critical.

Palm Island Mayor Alf Lacey indicated, ‘this project may well give the Palm Island community a unique opportunity to further its first people stories, but also provide a much needed economic development opportunity. Council sees jobs for its people as being critical and this project may well add to available jobs on Palm Island.’

Patricia O’Callaghan, Chief Executive Officer at Townsville Enterprise said; ‘securing Jason to develop the regional underwater art museum is a significant coup for economic development in our region. This is an opportunity not to be missed and one that is forecast to create more than 300 more jobs in the tourism and hospitality sector in Townsville’.



Museum Of Underwater Art
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Museums are places of preservation, conservation and education. They’re places where we keep objects of great value to us, simply for being themselves.