MouseBelt (P-Rep) Focuses on Ecosystem and Community

Adam L
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2021

MouseBelt is an ecosystem promoting blockchain innovation by supporting hands-on development of the emerging projects and leaders in the industry. As an ICON P-Rep for the network, we are excited to increase our efforts to drive further adoption on the protocol. Our support for ICON and the community dates back almost 4 years as a development shop that launched one of the first apps on the network. Now, MouseBelt serves as an ambassador for ICON, bringing global awareness and education to the enthusiasts and developers of the future. Our ongoing contribution to the value of the network will focus on the following four pillars: (1) Ecosystem Development, (2) Global Awareness, (3) The Future through education and (4)Value Creation through start ups and projects.

1. Ecosystem Development

Through our area of expertise in blockchain development, MouseBelt aims to further build the ICON ecosystem via MouseBelt Engineering. Our team has been considered one of the premier blockchain development teams in the industry. Having worked on some of the earliest ICX Station portfolio projects to the more recent Balanced Network project & operating a top P-Rep node, we continue to establish ourselves as a valued contributor to the ICON ecosystem. The team’s objectives and goals are to increase development efforts around Dapps, infrastructure and allocate more resources towards network/platform utility through its node operations.

2. Global Awareness

We believe we can achieve our goal of increasing ICON’s global awareness through our REIMAGINE 2021 virtual conference series. This event which is produced monthly, currently sits as the #1 crypto-related virtual event in the world. Through the REIMAGINE 2021 brand, we have been able to highlight ICON’s community leaders as keynotes, guest speakers and panels. Leveraging this conference we can maximize international exposure by highlighting the ICON Network. As a P-Rep, we have made ICON a proud sponsored partner for our future upcoming Reimagine conferences showcasing ICON’s initiatives, programs, and solutions with its newest rollout of network updates.

3. Future through Education

In our 3+ years of experience building university programs at over 100 universities in 24 countries, we know education is a crucial pain point for mass adoption with developers, investors, and new business models. MouseBelt’s educational program is one of the largest university initiatives focused on blockchain education in the world. We support over 80+ universities, student blockchain clubs & organizations. Our team has hosted ICON and Balanced Network focused events to educate our university population. We encourage and support newcomers, entrepreneurs, startups and professors in our program to get involved within the ICON community.

4. Startups and Projects

Lastly, our vision aims to support founders, entrepreneurs and innovators alike to create sustainable business models on ICON. MouseBelt’s Accelerator and Start-Up school supports early stage companies with in-kind investments and resources. MouseBelt is the first full-service blockchain accelerator in the world that goes beyond cash investments. We work in a variety of ways offering hands-on support for emerging leaders in the industry focusing on blockchain technology.



Adam L

MouseBelt Engineering- Full service blockchain engineering firm based in SF. Focused on integration, implementation, advisory, consulting, development solutions