Dark Night

A poem

Yao Liu
May 26, 2023
Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

It was a dark night,
When you left me,

You left me with,
My unfulfilled wishes,
My wingless dreams,

You left me with,
My own self,
Nothing more,
Nothing else,

You left me with,
No choice,
But to lean on me,
Myself, and I,

You left me lonely,

…The day you came back,
You were trying to sell me your,
New promises,
And expensive dreams,

I could not afford,
What you were offering me,
But I gave you all I had,
And more,

I bought your dreams and promises,
That you did not intend to deliver,
You went and took my money,
And ran far far away,

I was too tired to be angry,
Too sad to care,
I was naive to have,
Bought your lies once again,

And I was left with,
Only myself,

©2023 Yao Liu. All rights reserved.

